31 MAY 1856, Page 9


Much sympathy is felt for Lord Brougham, who, suffering in his health, has sustained the loss of his only sister. She died on the 25th instant. In the midst of his affliction, however, the veteran law-reformer did not forget those public duties which he has taken on himself to per- form for the public good. On Tuesday evening, the Lord Chancellor read, from his place in the House of Peers, the following letter from "My dear Chancellor—I am sorry to give you the trouble of these peti- tions and of my bills, but my attendance is of course out of the question. Indeed I sin very unwell ; and, besides seventeen years (both by the time and work) have left me unable to struggle as I did under the afflictions of 1839; and I may perhaps venture to hope that I have earned a title to some rest under the present. Two of the bills are in their last stage, but not the most important that on Judicial Statistics—which I earnestly recommend to your care. The prints, I understand, will be delivered today or tomor- row and you will see that, with its fifty elaborate and carefully-prepared _schedules, it gives the frame of a complete system of judicial statistics, crimi- and and civil, general and local.

"Ever yours sincerely, BROUGHAM."

Viscount Sydney has been appointed Lord-Lieutenant of Bent, in the room of the late Earl Cowper.

Mr. George Russell, of the Treasury, has been appointed Assistant 'Secretary to the Board of Works, in the room of Mr. Thornborrow, superannuated.

THE MILITLL—The following regiments af Militia will be disembodied immediately : Anglesey- Light Infantry, Bucks, First Cheshire, Chats- worth Rifles, Cornwall Miners Denbigh Rifles, First Durham, Glamor- gan Light Infantry, Lancashire Artillery, Sixth Lancashire, First Mid- dlesex, Shropshire, Third Staffordshire, Queen's Own Light Infantry Tower Hamlets), Fourth West York, Dumfries, Edinburgh County, Fife, Inverness, Galloway.—Globe, May 30.

THE SOUND Duns.—According to the latest information from Wash- ington, Mr. Marcy, the Secretary of State, has refused to give the Ame- rican shipping any instructions respecting the payment of the Sound dues, leaving it to the discretion of every master passing the Sound, or the Belts, to pay the dues or not.

The Turkish Ambassador gave another grand banquet to Aali Pasha on Saturday : Lord Palmerston was one of the guests. The Earl and Countess of Clarendon received the Grand Vizier at dinner on Monday.

The Archbishop of Armagh celebrated the real birthday of the Queen on Saturday by a dinner to the Archbishop of Canterbury and a large number -of Bishops.

Lord Holland has been seriously ill, but he is now recovering.

M. Augustine Thierry, the historian of the Norman Conquest of England, died at Pans on the 22d, in his seventieth year.

Baron Sins,. the great Austrian banker and landowner—reputed to have been the richest man in the world—died at Vienna on the 18th, aged se- venty-three. His property has been computed at four millions sterling !

Now that the war is at an end, the allowances from the Patriotic Fund will be increased—a abilling per week to each class of widows of non-com- missioned officers and privates, and a proportionate increase to the widows of officers. The increased outlay will be 12,000/. a year. There are at pre- sent in receipt of allowances—officers' widows, 74; children, 143; orphans who have lost both parents, 6 ; noncommissioned officers' and privates' widows, 2&50; children, 3310; orphans who have lost both parents, 113. Further trials of the monster wrought-iron gun of Messrs. Horsfall have all tended to prove its extraordinary powers and complete efficiency.

It is said that a Synod of the Rabbins of France and Algeria is about to be held in Paris shortly, with the object of examining the propriety of transferring the observance of the Jewish Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.

The " fast " of Ramazan at Constantinople has degenerated into an ex- cuse for feasts, which are carried on through the night, and more than make up for the fasting of the day. The doctors get plenty of custom.

The subscriptions and collections for the Memorial Church at Constanti- nople exceed 10,0001.

A band has been hired by subscription at Leeds to play on Sunday after- noons on Woodhouse Moor.

A British merchant steamer has ascended the Neva to St. Petersburg— the first feat of the kind. The Spurn, 700 tons, is of exceedingly light draught of water ; she was built to ply between Grimsby and the Baltic. Nine similar vessels are bat or are in course of construction for an Anglo- French company who intend to trade between Grimsby and ports on the shallow rivers of France—as Rouen.

The Admiralty have invited new tenders for the Australian mail service. Screw steam-vessebi, of not less than 2200 tons each, are required to run be- tween Suez and Melbowne, calling at Point de Galle. The contractors are to state what additional remuneration they will require if the service be ex- tended to Sydney. Aproutium of DC A day for each day saved will be al-

lowed ; but the penalties for delay will be in an increasing ratio for each successive day. The contract is to be for five years.

The floods in France are subsiding ; and the fears for the crops are less, as evidenced by a fall in the price of grain in various markets.

M. de Rochow, who killed Hinckeldey in a duel, has been tried by court- martial at Berlin, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment in a fortress, for provoking the duel. The other persons engaged in the homicide were acquitted.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis for the week ending on Saturday last.

Ten Week* Week of 1846-63. of 1836.

Emetic DIACISCII 219.9 .... 323

Dropsy, Cancer, and other Diseases of uncertain or variable seat 44.0 Tubercular Diseases 199.1 Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 122.2 121

Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels 32.9 its Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration 144.1 173 Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 61.8 ss Diseases of the Kidneys, Sc. 10.7 11 Childbirth, Diseases of the Uterus, Sc 6.8 10 Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Joints, Sc 13.3 6 Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc 2.2 I

Malformations 1.9 1 Premature Birth 27.0 23 Atrophy 21.4 .... 27

Age 38.4 as Sudden 8.5 10 Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 52.5 42

Total (Including tumpecilled causes) 988.4 1011