31 MAY 1919, Page 14


TUE " SPECTATOR.") am engaged with Mr. Thomas Wright upon an important work which will deal exhaustively with the history' of lace-making by hand, as carried on in Bucks, Beds, Northants, and other districts. I should be glad if any of your readers who are interested in this subject would corn, municate with me. They could help in various ways; for example, (1) by giving an account of the progress of the industry in their own neighbourhood; (2) by sending inscrip- tions on bobbins or trade tokens, or any anecdotes relating to the industry. But there are many other ways in which correspondents could help; they would be doing service not only to me, but also to literature, and I should be pleased to hear from any one. The work will be a demy octavo of three hundred pages with fifty plates, and it will correspond in size and general appearance with Mr. Wright's famous biogra- phies of Cowper, Watts, and Toplady.—I am, Sir, Sm., HENRY H. ARMSTRONG.

High Street, South, Olney, Buckinghamshire.