31 MAY 1924, Page 1

If a new Coalition could be created with the help

of the Socialists there would be a majority for accepting the Dawes Report, whatever the Nationalists might do. Unfortunately, however, acceptance does not imply the power to carry through all the Constitutional changes, requiring a two-thirds majority, which the Report postu- lates. How we wish that the German parties of the Right could rid themselves of their long-established habit of acting as their own enemies ! They never seem to miss an opportunity for bungling in a perfectly solemn, heavy way. It seems almost incredible to outsiders, but the Nationalists evidently believe, and have been definitely declaring, that Admiral von Tirpitz would be a great figure as Chancellor and would be acceptable to all other countries. One would think that they must understand that the very name of Admiral von Tirpitz is odious in this country. And yet all sensible people here want to help Germany to revive if only gratuitous difficulties are not put in their way.