31 MAY 1935, Page 19

A. MISQUOTATION [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The praise

you aciclided Mr. Baldwin for the peroration of his speech of Mity 22nd, was somewhat Spoilt by the fact that your Parliarnentary correspondent quoted his words inaccurately. In; his patagraPh, in reference to the problems that now confront statesmanship he quotes him as using the phrase " two th6usand years after the birth of Christ." In The Times report the words are " two thousand years after our Lord was crucified." Anyone might have used the former phrase : only a Christian would have said "our Lord.r Mr. Baldwin should be allowed the credit of having used the term of intimate discipleship and of having seen that it was not out of place to say " our Lord " in the British House of Commons.—I am, Sir, yours faithfully, The Rectory, S. Pours Cray, Kent. E. H. DUNKLEY.