31 OCTOBER 1840, Page 2

Vibe Stirtropolis.

At a Court of Aldermen, held on Tuesday, a communication was read from the Marquis of Normanby to the Lord Mayor, with a copy of a circular recently addressed to the Magistrates at Quarter-ses- sions in the country, for the regulation of prisons. These regula- tions Lord Normanby wished to be brought under the consideration of the Court of' Aldermen, with a view to their adoption in Ntavgate. The regulations have particular reference to the cases of persons con- victed of misdemeanours.

A meeting of Alderman Harmer's friends was held at the Swan-with- two-Necks, Lad Lane, on Friday, to make arrangements to give him a

public dinner. In deference, however, to the feelings of that gentle- man, who stated his wish to let the struggles of the past be forgotten, the intentiou was given up ; as well as a subscription, which had already fs•en commenced, to purchase and present him with a piece of


A meeting of the inhabitants of St. Paul, Covent Garden, was held on Thursday evening, to take into consideration the grbe,ance arising from the new asse,s merit of the window-tax. The Assessors have, by their rigorous mode, greatly increased the impost on the inhabitants over and above the additional ten per cent. Several instances of the vexations extent to which the new plan of taxing daylight was curried

were mentioned at the meeting. Resolutions were adopted, and a de- putation was appointed to wait on the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The same complaints are made in all parts of the country. The Manchester Chronicle, in reference to the proceedings of the Assessors in that neighbourhood, observes—" It can now be pretty correctly as- certained, that the increase of the assessment for the Northern district (chiefly on windows) will be about 15,0001.; whereas the estimate was barely one-fifth of that sum ; and it is supposed that the Chancellor of the Exchequer will raise 300,000/. by it (exclusive of the 10 per cent.) which is double the amount upon which he calculated."

A public meeting of the Aborigines Society was held on Wednesday evening, at the Southwark Literary Institution, Newington Causeway. Mr. Hawes, M.P., who was in the chair, stated that the objects of the Society are to bring under the notice of the public the unprotected state of the aborigines of the uncivilized countries, for the purpose of taking measures for the redress of the cruelties practised towards them in all the European colonies. Resolutions were passed expressive of the sympathy of the meeting for the condition of the native tribes, and its approval of the objects of the Society.

A meeting of the inhabitants of Chelsea, Battersea, and the neigh- bourhood, was held at Nine Elms on Monday evening, to adopt means for suppressing the nuisance arising from the chemical manufactories on the banks of the Thames in these neighbourhoods, particularly in Battersea Fields, The noxious vapours which issue from many of those manufactories infect the air to a great distance. A Committee was appointed, and subscriptions were received for carrying into effect the objects of the meeting.