31 OCTOBER 1840, Page 7

The Madrid Gazelle of the 20th instant published a decree

of the Regency convoking the Cortes for the lath of March. The ground alleged for this delay is, that the immediate meeting of the Legislature would be, under existing circumstances, difiletilt and hazardous. "The situation of the country," says the Minister of the Interior in his rientintl, -"demands that the period for the meeting of the Chambers should rather exceed the limits prescribed by the constitution of the state ; but the re- newal of the Provincial Deputations required that the convocation of the Chambers should be delayed but for a trilling time. The Proviucial D.eputations are not to be assembled before the 1st of January 1841. It will be necessary to find the requisite time for proceeding with the elections. The Deputies will be able to assemble in the capind on the lath of March ; a favourable period for the opening of the Cortes, and front which body the country expects such important results."

The Regency has also issued a decree dissolving the minor Juntas in

the Provinces, and for limiting the powers of the others. This decree,

which is the first demonstration against the various Provincial Govern- ments, is in the following terms-

" Art. 1. The Juntas created in the capitals of Provinces will continue to sit until a further resolution has been adopted, only as auxiliaries of the Go- vernment. They will have to put in force all that the Government may deem proper to confide to them. Consequently, all the authorities are to resume the exercise of their respective functions.

" Art. 2. The Juntas established in all the other towns of the monarchy will cease to exist on the receipt of this decree.

" Art. 3. All those Juntas will send a detailed account of the measures they adopted, of the employs that were dispensed with. and of the appointments. (Each of the departments of the Secretaries of State is to receive a special copy of those said acts : to those appointments are to be added detailed lists of the services rendered by the different candidates, in order that the Government, whilst it ratifies and respects the intentions dictated by justice, may repair ini- mical acts, which the honour and probity of the said Juntas demand.) " Art. 4. The administrative authorities of the Provinces will examine the accounts rendered by those Juntas, lf, contrary to expectation, any irregu- larities should be discovered, they are to be handed over to the department of the Minister of Finance, in order that the necessary rectifications may be made.

" Art. 5. The acts e kith have emanated from the Juntas shall be transmit- ted to the Juntas of capitals, who will take care of them until the expiration of their being in power, after which they will be appropriated according to cir- cumstances."

The following is a summary of the motives which precede this last decree- " The necessity in which the riation was placed to oppose itself to the confis- cation of its rights and to the violation of the constitution, maintained at the price of so many sacrifices, had given rise, not only in the capitals of provinces, but also in other towns of the second class, for the fermnation of Juntas, which have efficiently contributed to maintain public order in the midst of a violent crisis, and to persuade the whole world that Spain knew how to undertake and. bting to issue important enterprises with dignity and nobleness, without allow- ing those excesses which have always attended the political oscillations of other nations. Necessity alone could only authorin the adoption of such a measure. That necessity being at tin end, that measure must cease to have effect. Unity and centralization, well mul.2r-tood, are absidately indispensable in order to govern ; and the present situation would lead us to a complete dis- solution, the consequences of which Ivoul I very soon b deplored by those very men who by error would now think that they onght to prolmg it. It is not possible, nevertheless, for all the Juntas to be absolutely at an end ; and it is necessary that certain ones should eolith:tie to exist, but with an entire dis- tinct character from that which they have hith.vra had, in order to inform the Government of their acts, and rendZr it all other services which circumstances might require. It is imperative OH Lill to give an account of their administra- tion ; nothing, in Aloft, caa inure contribide to dispel the accusations that they may be the object of than Clue jestitieation of the disinterestedness and pureness with which they have expended Ow public money. Fur these mo- tivus, the Provisioaal Iiigeney has adopted the decree of whiche we published the text, in five articles."

Another decree of the Regency declarcs, that

" The Magistrates and Judges, proprietors of their employments, ad actu- ally in the exercise thereof on the I2.th instant, and those who will hereafter be invested with judicill functions, shall not he superseded ia their posts pro tempore or definitively, except in yir:ne of a fimnal sentence, dd. suspended therefrom unless a judiciary decree exist iii-ainst them. or an act of the Royal authority orders them to be tried by the competent tribunals, agb.e:Cily to the 6611 article of the Constitution."

These .decrees of the Spanish Ileeency were issued from Valencia. The Regents were expeeted to arrive at Mathicl on the '27(11 iusmaut; when the Government Jumm, it w as thaalit, would render tra ace ac- count of its acts end aft'ai.

General Esa,ortero has iesuc I a le:ad.:lead .n t lIce Aemy, explaining.

the CallSk2 of his I resent position, end to rented to his former

post when the alloirs of Goverenteut arreaged.

Queen Christina quitted Valeaeia on the 17th instatit, on board a

Spanish steam-vessel. She was to the boat by the Council of Regeney, and the Munieipality of Valeta:la. She received along the road the customary honours end sob :ems. Oa the follbwing night. the " Qaeen Mother," as she is termed Isy the Spanieh Regency, tirrived at Port Vendres, on the coast of Frenee --a ;dove remarkable only for its splendid marble columu erect, A in lio.emee of 1.onis the Sixteelith. She arrived at Montpellier on time 21,t, at an boil within a lbw paces front the residence of Cebrero. The ll'eareiea du Midi says—" On /missing the front of the de Londres, time placed her- self at the window of' her carriage, in order to it a look at Cabrera, who was at his window ; and she smitel on seeing him. Although her Majesty had declared her intention of travelling insog., the enthorities waited upon her, and a picket-guar I was placed at the door of the hotel, the drums heating a ealute on her arrival, and all the houours due to her rank Imeieg paid."

'rite Queen arrived at :Marseilles on the :231, at bight. She W as re- ceived by the Spanish and Neaeolitan Cousnls. A eorrespnedent of the Mornimer soy She occupies eplentlid rooms in the New Eastern Hotel ; from time doors of which she can see the It muse occupied by the unfortunate Charles the Fourth. Christiea is drussed in the French costume. She ii ears a straw bonnet with feothess and flowers. Her eniloorpoint is rather retie:0ml+% S'ee was nitwit alboe:c1 at Perpignan at occupyine the same rooms she was in eleven years with her sister the lb.:chess Besry. 11116,11:la 'Wm,' timemi z to occupy a throne : ho:11 sisters are 1111W calks, i ea has twee eceived in France. The Kiog of Naples, her Another. nliboussil as a Bourbon he haul protest ed against the change in the order of smeession in Spain, has al ways entert a iced great affection for Christina ; as also the Q aye n Dowager of' Naples. her mother. Site will not embark in the I.evant boat for Naples direct, as stated, but she will proCeed 10 Nice : which is all that is known of her movemems t',,r the present. Silo will probably not till she has received permi,sion ui he King or Naples to join the family. Her sister, with her hash:old. Infante Don Schnstim, son of the Princess of Beirut, now w of !You Carlu,, of whom he is the

indicate are at Naples ; and these family contrarieties must be arranged before Christina can approach Naples."

• The Madre/ Gazette of the 17tim contains a long circular, writt et by Feraando Cornoli. Seeretnry it' the Medril Junta, addressel hy that body to the Proviecial .111111:1S threnehont the kingdom. It begins by tendency of the vanquished party with those professed by its opponents ; and contends, that if the Government do not wish the last heroical mani- festation to be unproductive of beneficial results, it must convert into practical truths useful theories which had hitherto received no applica- tion. The Junta urges the necessity of introducing reforms in all branches of the administration, and in the system of education ; it ,directs the attention of the future Government to the national debt, to the guarantee of which are attached the existence and welfare of thou- sands of families, native as well as foreign ; it recommends that tithes be abolished, and that a competent provision be made for the support of the clergy ; and concludes by recommending a revision of the Ayunta- relent° law, the establishment of a law for Ministerial responsibility, the revision of the civil, criminal, and commercial codes, &c.