31 OCTOBER 1840, Page 8



The Paris letters and papers of Thursday contain no officially-recog- nized account of the formation of the Ministry. The lists they give vary in some respects from those supplied yesterday, in the minor de- partments of' administration. M. Dutimre and M. Pussy are reported to have refused to join the Cabinet ; objecting to the fortification of Paris, as a waste of the public money, a mistrust of the national strength, and evincing sinister designs against liberty. The places before allotted to them have been filled by the names of Messrs, Cunin. Gridaine and Hamann. The list published in the last accounts, which. was expected to be officially announced in yesterday's Moniteur, is- ( President of the Council

Marshal Soult / and Minister of War ; M. Guiznt Foreign Affairs; M. Duch:Vet interior ; M. Humana Finance ; ;M. Martin (du Nord) Justice ; Atbniral Duperr6 Marine ; Villemain Public Instruction ; M. Cunin Gridaine Commerce; M. Teste Public Works.

The Constittaionnel alleges, that M. Guizot has declared he will adopt no other policy than that of the late Ministry. The Temps, on the other hand, affirms that the King has determined not to make greater concessions to the new Ministers titan to their predecessors.

On the Bourse, the new Cabinet was received with great favour.

" It seems certain," observes the Quolidienne," that M. Guizot has lost in the Phenix his carriage, wardrobe, papers, and other effects. Talk- ing on the subject yesterday with a friend, he sail, I have only got one pocket-handkerchief left to wipe away my tears for the rest.'"