31 OCTOBER 1874, Page 3

The American Correspondent of the Times states that the total

result of the October Elections has been to decrease the Republi- oan majority in the House of Representatives by 13 votes, count- ing 26 on a division, to extinguish the project of giving the President a third term, and to show that the whole South will soon be Democratic. The first result does not matter much, as the Republicans counted 192 in a House of 292, and it is too soon to talk about the second, which cannot be decided before August, 1876, but the third is ominous of evil. Expe- rience shows that nothing is so dangerous to a great Empire as a geographical line of political cleavage. The discontented party can combine too easily, more especially when, as in the United States, it can control an entire group of organised State Govern- ments.