31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been a regular reader of the Spectator for over forty years, and have been in sympathy with its views on most subjects. The object of this letter is to ask whether it is to be understood that the Spectator now advocates handing over our great Indian Empire, and all our responsibilities in that connection, to Mr. Gandhi and his Congress of agitators ? Is not the record of British rule in India the finest chapter in our history ?—I am, Sir, &c., ION HAMILTON BENN. 17 Collingham Gardens, S.W. 5.

[The fact that the Editor interviewed Mr. Gandhi does not imply that the Spectator agrees with all Mr. Gandhi says. The Spectator stands for a self-governing India within the Common- wealth, the people of India thus becoming the final arbiters of their destiny.—En. Spectator.]