31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 16


To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sue,- --AS a regular reader abroad of the Spectator, may I suggest to fellow-readers who are fortunate enough to be able to contemplate travel this approaching winter, that they should select a tour within the Empire, and by British ships and air lines ?

By so doing money will be kept within our Empire, employ- ment given to their fellow countrymen, help to kith and kin overseas, and British producers and manufacturers benefited. I would like to see your Travel Manager devote more articles to Empire travel and less to foreign, and particularly to the less wealthy and less known parts which lack the means of raising funds to make known their attractions, such as, for instance, East Africa. They would be doubly welcome in these lean times. The round trip—Kenya, Uganda, Sudan— made in part by sea, rail, road and air, must surely offer an infinite variety of scenery, interests and attractions that must be unrivalled within comparatively short time and moderate

expense.— I am, Sir, &c., W. H. AUSTEN. Tororo Hold, Cororo, Uganda.

[We alluded to this subject in our travel article in the issue of October 2-Ith.—ED. Spectator.]