31 OCTOBER 1931, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Stu,--To most people the absolute values of Truth, Beauty, Goodness are still the essence of ultimate reality, Religion the ever-occurring subject of thought. It is the unity of these individuals necessary for combined action that must be accomplished. Since Truth is an absolute value to most people, many have gradually fallen away from Church mem- bership because they felt no heart in taking part in services based on much that now cannot he held true ; the Church seemed to have no message for them.

Another and still more glorious Reformation is due. The doctrines of the Miraculous Birth, Incarnation, Resurrection, Ascension, Redemption are untenable in the sense in which they arc distinctly set forth in our Prayer Book. Jesus seems unreal. Yet we know Him to be a reality, One who was a profound thinker, a tender lover of men ; who taught God was Love ; that the Kingdom of Heaven could only be de- veloped within one by the untiring and cheerful effort of the individual. His message speaks through the centuries. His love for man awakes in man an answering love for Him, who, man Himself, was faithful unto death to God and man.

The greatest need to-day seems the Revision of the Prayer Book, that it may express clearly the beliefs of to-day ; and a revision of the Bible, a re-selection of the parts of the Old Testament, with addition of those English writings of our era equally inspired by the Holy Spirit. And with the help of the Holy Spirit this stupendous work can be accomplished by our generation. It would mean the putting away of many childish things, of things of sentimental rather than real value ; but it would give a clearer vision of things eternal,' things to inspire us with spiritual renewal and growth beyond measure.