31 OCTOBER 1952, Page 18

A. E. W. Mason

Sta,—Here is a footnote to Michael Sadleir's fitting review of Green's A. E. W. Mason. In the 1906 Parliament, Mason was Liberal M.P. for Coventry. Early in. the first session, Sir Gilbert Parker (Tory M.P. for Gravesend, and a good story-teller) spoke in the Debate on the Address. Mason followed him, and, when Mason sat down, " C. B." turned to Jack Gulland (the Rt. Hon. J. W. Gulland, Scots Liberal Whip) and said: " John, you know, our story-teller is better than theirs."—Yours faithfully, A: F. WHYTE. The Athenaeum, Pall, Mall, S.W.I.