3 APRIL 1852, Page 20


Our print-shop windows have been familiar for two or three months past with an engraving by Mr. Atkinson, after a picture by Sir Edwin Landseer, representing the domesticities of Royal life. Prince Albert has returned home the cynosure of neighbouring eyes of the canine kind, with the trophies of? his day's sport; the Queen has entered with a bouquet in her hand, and stands by his side in chat over the proceedings of the day, and the Princess Royal—a, child about three years old (for the picture was painted some while ago)—is busy examining the game. The en- graving HI a very faithful rendering from the-original ; which belongs to the Royal collection, and has for some days been on view at Mews. Graves's. The ensemble is natural and pleasing. The likeness of the Queen is very accurate ; Prince Albert is perhaps a trifle idealized. The childlike action and expression of the Princess have been most skil- fully rendered; and the furniture and other, accessories possess that as- pect of the objects themselves which the artist conveys with so much sure- handed facility. We hope it is not hypercritical, however, to remark that the game is not all in season—if we are to take the summer atmo- sphere and the garden-view from the open window as a criterion. The engraving comes into competition, to a certain extent, with Winterhalter's Royal Family group, and .claims the preference, in virtue, above all,- of its greater ease and freedom from the feeling of Court costume and stiffness.