3 APRIL 1886, Page 2

Mr. Tuke also remarks that Achill Island curiously illustrates the

position taken up in his letter to the Spectator of March 6th :—" On the Mission estate, on which we are, there are 453 tenant., of whom 154 are under a £1 rental. 144 above 20s. and

under 30s., 68 above 30s. and under £2, 57 above £2 and under £3, and only 30 above £3. No rent has been paid or asked for this year,—at any rate, very little, if any. We are supplying 900 out of 1,100 on the island with potato-seed, and the 200 remaining all think they need the new seed. I cannot help looking with real alarm at the condition of the coast-liner happily, a thin line, for inland the crop is good."