3 APRIL 1920, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."J SIR,—Since writing you last under this heading I have had the opportunity of hearing the Ulster delegation both in Pitts- burgh and Boston, to which cities my travels carried me. Boston is notoriously a Catholic centre, and yet the reception there was as enthusiastic as at Pittsburgh. In both places the halls were filled long before the announced hour, and halls for overflow meetings were similarly filled to the last seat. The enthusiasm was tremendous. It was almost like a religious crusade. The speakers touched the right note, and I have no hesitation in saying that, in addition to making the position of the Ulster Protestants absolutely approved, this delegation has done a world of good, in the way of strengthening the bonds between England and America. Fancy a Boston audience singing vigorously to the tune of "Dixie Land " :—

" We'll live and fight for Ulster, We will! We will varied with :— "We'll live and die for Britain, We will! We will!"

Isn't that worth-while work? And yet many of our largest cities were unvisited—Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, San Francisco, the entire South and West, not to mention such large places as Buffalo, Albany, and scores of cities of that size, which were, I understand, passed by for lack of time. These also are ready and eager for such messengers. Can nothing be done to send over a dozen such bands of godly men to spread the truth? I am only one of many Americans who long to see the bonds between the two great Protestant and missionary races of the world strengthened, and every effort is being made by others to estrange them through false state- ments on the treatment of Ireland by England. Truth ;s mighty and will prevail, but let us help to make truth known.