3 APRIL 1942, Page 2

Bulgaria Under Orders

There can now be little doubt that King Boris of Bulgaria yielded to Hitler's demands during his recent visit to Berchtes- gaden. His Prime Minister, Dr. Filoff, hardly concealed his Government's intentions when he spoke to the Bulgarian Parlia- ment last Saturday. Bulgaria's course, he said, has been finally set. Her fate is indissolubly linked with that of her allies. "We are in a state of war." But against whom? There are no indica- tions that Hitler intends to proceed immediately against Turkey, a country which for large numbers of Bulgarians is still the traditional enemy. Does the small clique which controls Bulgaria really intend to send an army to join the .Germans in their coming campaign against Russia? Dr. Filoff's fulmination against Bolshevism as one of the greatest threats to European civilisation seems to show that he is preparing the public mind for some such move. It is certainly likely that King Boris has made all sorts of promises to Hitler, but it is not so likely that when it comes to the point he will really risk sending Bulgarians in large numbers to fight on Russian soil. The peasants of Bulgaria look on Russians as kindred. If a Bulgarian army ,were put in the front line against Russia there would be some doubt on which side it would fight.