3 APRIL 1964, Page 9


He has the loudest voice and the most luxuriant moustache in the House of Commons. His numerous cars advertise his name, which, in any case, is better known to 'the public than half the Cabinet. No one in Parliament was better able to master and expound a, case. To some people it seemed strange that a man of such obvious talent should not have become a Minister. Per- haps because he didn't want to, perhaps because he couldn't afford to, more likely because he so enjoyed his own performances that over the years he turned into a caricature of himself. It is certain that the fierce pace at which he drove himself and the grisly work conditions in the Palace of Westminster contributed to his illness.

Gerald Nabarro will be sadly missed from the next House of Commons. At one time or another he drove nearly all his political friends, and all his political opponents, up the wall:' but he hadn't a mean corpuscle in his body.