3 AUGUST 1844, Page 12

A public dinner was given at Birkenhead, on Wednesday, to

the deputation of gentlemen who had attended in London, and had ac- complished the passing of the Birkenhead Dock Bill through Parlia- ment,—namely, Mr. John Laird, Mr. William Jackson, Mr. William Potter, and Mr. Marcus F. Brownrigg, with their solicitor, Mr. Mallaby. In returning thanks, Mr. Jackson stated that the idea of converting the neglected Wallasey Pool into a stupendous dock, in which Nature her- self has done the greater part of the work, first entered into Mr. John Laird's head at a small party which he gave that day twelvemonth. The promoters of the plan at once went to the task ; they encountered, and vanquished, the opposition of the potent Liverpool ; and now that their Act is carried, many thousands sterling lie ready in London to be invested in the enterprise, — one man alone having set down 50,0001. The speakers exulted not a little, and not unreasonably, in their suceess thus far.