3 AUGUST 1850, Page 21



U ND &stud. S. (Closing Moaday.

Prices.) Tuesday.


3 per Cent Consols

965 97

97 961


Ditto for Account 981 97 961 96 97 ' 98f


3 per Cents Reduced

971 971 97



31 per Cents 591 99 99 971 99 2S1


Long Annuities 81 81


8 81

Bank Stock, 8 per Cent 212 2111 212 — 212 212 India Stock, 101 per Cent

— 270 271


Exchequer Bills, lid, per diem 78 pm. 70 70 70 70 70 India Bonds, 31 per Cent -- — 91pm. 89 92 89 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation duringahe Week ending Friday livening.)

Austrian Op. Ct.

Massachusetts (Sterling). ..5 p. Ct.

Belgian 44 — —



Ditto 21 — --

Michigan a

Brazilian 5 — 931

Mississippi (Sterling) e — Buenos Ayres 6 —

661 New York (1858) 5

Chillan 8— 103 Ohio 8

Danish 3 — 104 Pennsylvania 5 821 ex d.

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ..21 —

6/1 •

Pernyian 41

821 Ditto 4 — 1391 Portuguese II — 871 French 3 — 38t 871e. Ditto. 3 —

Ditto 6 — 981. enc. Russian ill Indiana (Sterling) 5 — — S 6

Diroith 3

171 Illinois 8 — —


Kentucky --

Dino (Passive)


Louisiana (Sterling) a —

Marybutd (Sterling) 5 — 89 91 Ditto (Deferred)

Venezuela Active



(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) &Lumens-





Edinburgh and Glasgow 2$

British North American

Eastern Counties


Great Northern

Commercial of London

Great North of England 238 London and Westminster 27 ex Great South. and West. Ireland..


Leaden Joint Stock

171 cad.

Great Western 501 National of Ireland

Hull and Selby 88 National Provincial

Lancashire and Yorkshire 37 Provincial of Ireland

Lancaster and Carlisle 54 Union of Australia

London Brighton and South Coast 81 cad.

Union of London 12.• ex d.

London and Blackwell 411 MUMS--

London goad North-western 111 Maims

Midland 34 Brazilian Imperial

North British


Ditto (St. Zolan del Rey) 14 South-eastern and Dover 14 Cobra Copper 371 South-western 891


York, Newcastle, and Berwick 141 Australian Agricultural 13 York and North Midland 161 Canada 361 ex S.

General Steam 271

rtat sad West India


Peninsular and Oriental Steam.. 79 Loudon 120 ex d. Royal Mail Steam 119 St. Katherine 811ex S. South Australian

30 ex it:


An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and Sth Victoria, cap. 32, tor the week ending on Saturday, the 27th day of Jai,' 1860. 1SSUZ DIPAIITKENT.

Notes issued 230,181,785 Government Debt £11,018,100

Other Securities 2,951,900

Oold Coin and Bullion 15,982,337

Silver Bullion 219,258

430,181,785 • 230,181,795 SatilLINO ozesatMaNT.

Proprietors' Capital 214,653,000 Government Securities


Rest 3,187,155 cluding Dead Weight Annuity) 414,285,583 Public Deposits' 5,022,745 Other Securities 10,188,075 Other Deposits 10,404,440 -Notes 9,421,020 Seven Day and other Bills 1,386,284 Gold and Silver Coin 859,928


- 234,632,801

" Including Exchequer, Stsvings-Banks,Commissioneraof National Debt, /Dividend Accts.


Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard 23 17 9

Copper, British Cakee184 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, British Bars .... 6 10 0 .. 0 0 0 New Dollars 0 410 Lead, British Pig 17 18 0 .. 18 0 0 Silver In Bart, Standard 0 4 114 Steel, Swedish Keg... 13 19 0 .. 14 0 0 GRAIN. Mark Lane, Aug. 2.

S. f, Wheat,E.New 40 to42 Rye 22 to 23 Fine 41-42 Barley 19-20 Old 46-42 Molting... 21-24

White 42-44 Malt, Ord... 48r-48

Fine 44-48 Pine 49-52 Super. New. 48-52 Peas, Hog 28-29 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. WEEKLY AVERAGE.

Oats Wheat ... 41.. et Rye

Burley .... 22 0 Beans

Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending July 27.

II 2 Peas 27 4 Oats

27 1 Barley 23g. 04. Wheat . . 43g. 8d. I Rye 22 3 Beans 27 4 18 1 Pens . 27 8

24s. ad.


Butter—Best Fresh, lir. Od. per slot. Carlow, D. 41. to 31. 0.. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 154s. to Ida Cheese, Cheshire 42 — 58 Derby Plain .44 —64

llams, York 00 — 70

Eggs, French, per 120,4.. Od. to 14.6d.



s. d. a. d. a. d. Burrurisfe.

Beef,. 2 6t08 0 to 3


2 10 to 6 to 3 10



Mutton 2 8 — 3 0 — 3 8 3 8 — 3 10 — 4 2 Beast. . 884 3,269 Veal .. 2 4-8 0 — 3 4 2 8 — 3 2 -- 3 8 Sheep. 15,860 28,160 Pork,. 2 8 — 3 4 — 4 0 3 4 — 3 8 — 4 0 Calves. 880 309 Lamb.. 5 4 — 4 0 — 4 4 4 0 — 4 4 — 4 8 Pigs... 123 242

• To sink the and, per a lb.


Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 12,2. to 131d. Wether and Ewe II — i21 Leicester Hogget end Wether 12 — Pine Combing 154— 111 GROCERIES. •

Tea, Bohm, fine.. .per lb.' Os. 14. 60 Os. 34.

Congou, line 1 1 —1 6 ' Soucliong, fine . 1 3 — 2 A

• In Bond—Duty 23. 14. per lb. Coffee, fine (In bond) per cat. 81.. to 1034.

Good Ordinary 43 — 40.84.

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 25s. Td. West India MOLUISeS I30. Od. to lar. II.


70,. to 74. Wis. to 70s. 634,50 7148.

50-05 89 — 60 63 —60 45 —65 60 — g6 78 —94 88 —88 75 —84 26 30 22 —58 22 — 211

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load 01 26 Tresses.)

Comma:BLAND, Sairertazo.

Hay, Good

Interior New Clover Wheat Straw

S. Maple..., 29 to 30 White .... 25-36 Boilers ... 27-al Beans, Ticks. 25-27

01d 27-28 India* Corn 27-29

s. s.

Outs, Feed .. 18 to 17

Fine .. 17—IS Poland ... 16-19

Fine .. 19-20 Potato,,.. 21-22

Flue .. 22-23 FLOUR.

Town made per each 40s. to 434.

Seconds 37 40 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 32 — 34 Norfolk and Stockton 30 32 American per barrel 23 — 25 Canadlau 22 — 24

Bread, 54. to 74. the 41b. loaf.


Rent Pockets 120.. to 135s.

Choice ditto 140 — 210 Sussex ditto 1.00 — 113 Farnham ditto 0 — 0 OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt. El IS Refined 137 Linseed Oil 113 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 9 0

Candles, per dozen, ... 6,4. to 5.. fld. Moulds (84. per doz. discount) Ts. Ost

Coals, Hetton IS 0 Tees 00