3 AUGUST 1861, Page 2

Irtrig.—Each Chamber of the Hungarian Diet on the receipt of

the imperial rescript, appointed a committee of eight to consider it, and these two committees have since amalgamated into one. They have not yet decided on their mode of action, but it is believed in Pesth that an answer will be sent to the rescript, in the form of an address, maintaining the ground assumed in the original document. No con- cession of importance will be made. The address will be forwarded in a few days, and meanwhile, it is said, the unanimity of the people is wonderful. Only four villages have yielded to the military pres- sure placed upon them for the collection of the taxes, and none of the country committees will resign until expelled by force. Prince Metternich, the Austrian ambassador in Paris, has, it is said, warned his master of the very great danger of driving Hungary to extremities, a communication which has so perplexed the Emperor that all hopes of accommodation are not yet over. Pending the despatch of the second address, the Hungarians, it is said, have established a good understanding with the Liberal section of the Croatian Diet, and with the Poles and Czechs of the Reichsrath, so as to enable them to act, when occasion serves, in common. The object of that action will be, not insurrection, but such a passive resistance as shall bring the Austrian Government to a dead-lock. That Government, however, proclaims officially that it has money enough-for the year, and that considerable sums are coming in even from Hungary.