3 AUGUST 1867, Page 1

The Ultramontanes h we sustained another great defeat. Austria has

been regarded as their stronghold, but on 26th July Dr. Herbst brought forward a motion in the Reichsrath avowedly intended to abolish the Concordat. It authorizes civil marriage, exempts schools from the control of the priests, and establishes " interconfessional equality," thus abolishing the three main principles of the Concordat. His motion was carried in spite of Government by 130 to 24, only the Tyrolese and Slovacks dissenting, and the Government has already opened fresh negotiations with Rome. It is distinctly understood in the Reichsrath that if the Vatican will not yield at once, the Con- cordat will cease to be law without its consent, that document being, as Dr. Herbst puts it, an outrage on the authority of the State. The people are almost unanimous in their abhorrence of its provisions,, .and even the Emperor will not now venture to defend it. A. good deal fell at Sa,dowa.