3 AUGUST 1867, Page 3

The French and Prussian journals are quarrelling merrily • oVer

their international relations. A report had been spread that the French Government had forwarded a despatch to Berlin ad- vecating the claim of Denmark to North Schleswig. This the Moniteur denied. Thereupon the North German Gazette affirmed that a note had been read, but not left, and the French papers -quizzed the Monitenr. It is now stated officially that a note was sent to the French Charge d'Affaires, and was read by him to the Prussian Minister without instructions, so that the Moniteur is technically in the right. The papers, however, take the opportu- nity of abasing their adversaries, the Prussians declaring that the French shall not interfere in Germany, the French retorting that Prussia is peaceful because if she went to war she would lose all ehe has acquired. The Constitutionnel has been directed to explain that the two Cabinets are not hostile, and the order of the day in Paris appears to be "no war till next year." It is believed by well informed persons, however, that if the Grand Duke, as rumoured, surrenders Baden to Prussia, war will be immediately inevitable.