3 AUGUST 1912, Page 1


IN Foreign Affairs there is nothing of special moment to record. On Tuesday Ghazi Mukhtar, the Turkish Grand Vizier, made, a statement of policy in the Chamber, Analysing the discontent in the country, he said that the first cause was the illegal interference of officials at the last elections. He promised an inquiry into all grievances in this respect, and said that the Government would not fail to redress them so far as was com- patible with the law. This is, of course, a policy of delay, though we do not deny that it may be a wise compromise. The Government hesitate to dissolve the Chamber, because they fear to provoke the Young Turks into a desperate resist. ance. The Chamber as at present composed is the last hope of the Young Turks. A dissolution might mean civil war, and the Turk's, in spite of their violent records, particularly dislike killing one another. The second cause of discontent was stated to be the participation of the Army and of officials in folitics. The Grand Vizier announced that such participation would be rigorously prohibited. The third cause was favouritisth in the bestowal of offices. In this case the laws would be. strictly enforced in future. The fourth and last cause was the unconstitutional measures of. the late adminis- tration. It was announced that these would be repealed.