3 AUGUST 1934, Page 2

Parliament's Recess Members of Parliament rose on Tuesday for a

thrce 'months' recess, and judged by their output of egislation they deserve their holiday. Indeed, this Parliament is a standing witness to the falsify of the facile denunciations by Fascists and others of the inefficiency of Parliamentary institutions. The executive has only had to appeal for rapid action and the legislature has concurred without demur. Since the VVhitsun adjournment, for iiiStance, Parliament passed through all its stages. within- forty- eight hours a Bill to deal with, the threatened .default on German loans. It has proved that it can act with dispatch and yet preserve the essential, rights of . free criticism. The• old-time method of a. vote of Censure, which was the medium on Monday:of a 'discussion of the proposals for the .expansion of the Air Force, Provided one of the most instructive, and incidentalli; the best- tempered, debates Of the Session. It is interesting to note, in vieW of the assertions of some professed friends of Parliamentary Government that 'Parliamentary methods need a drastic overhaul, that the all-party committee that enquired intà the problem has reported that "the procedure of Parliament is sufficiently flexible to meet all demands made upon it." Changes. 'are proposed but they are all of a minor character,. and they only serve to demonstrate how succesSfully the. British Parliament has withstood the worst hurricane. that has swept through Europe since Parliamentary institutions first took shape.