3 DECEMBER 1831, Page 8


STocts EXCHANGE, FR tDAT EVENING.-Consols closed on Saturday at83j3 for Money, and 831* for the January Account ; Exchequer Bills left off at 6s. to 7s premium. The news from Lyons caused some torpidity in Monday's and Tuesday's Market, but hardly any sensible fall. The news of the peaceful termination of the riots, removed of course the heaviness which their commencement had occasioned, but still without effecting any marked variation in prices. Consols close to-day at 83f for the Account, and Exchequer Bills at 5s. to 7s. premium.


Spanish.. ..... 14* 1 Ditto, NeW. 13.1 / snARISS.

Bolanos ..... 145 155 Brazilian . 43+ 44* Del Monte..... 15 17 AngloMexican . 14 16 United Mexican 5 6

SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.-Consols for Account, 531 1.

Bank Stock .... 190 191 Brazilian 441 1 3 per Cent. Red. 82* Chilian . 17 19 3 per Cent. Consols - Colombian . 121- 13* Consols for Acct. S3 Danish...... 66 * Si per Cent. New ... - Greek....... 22 24 Long Annuities .... - Mexican 35 36 Ex. Bills, 10001. 5s. 7s.pm. Peruvian India Bonds 4s. 2s. dies Portuguese 49 50 India Stock Russian 99f 100