3 DECEMBER 1836, Page 14

A correspondent of the Globe, whose letter appeared in that

journal last night, states that "all the London journals "who noticed Dr. Gil- bert's attack on Dr. Hampden, "unaccountably "made the mistake of substituting Dr. Cardwell's name for that of Dr. Gilbert. The Spec- tator, however, gave Dr. Gilbert's name correctly ; and moreover, pub- lished a copy of the notice which the Doctor caused to be posted up in his college. The Globe's correspondent says that many Brasennose men attend Dr. Hampden's lectures, in defiance of Dr. Gilbert.

The business in the Court of Common Pleas is declining. Although the long vacation has elapsed since the last Nisi Prius sittings, the number of causes entered for trial at the present sittings only amount to 29, about one-third of which have been already disposed of; and during the last term there were only two applications from gentlemen to be admitted attornies of the court.