3 DECEMBER 1859, Page 9



The English Funds have shown considerable buoyancy throughout the week, and a rise of 1 per cent has been established. On Monday the opening price in Consols was 961 961, but upon receipt of higher quotations from Paris the Market rose to 96f 961. On Tuesday a further advance of occurred, a good deal of speculative business having been done at 96a 961; the Market has since exhibited great firmness, closing 96/ 961, the tendency being still upwards. The improvement is owing to a greater degree of con- fidence in Foreign affairs and several large bona fide purchases. The de- mand for money has likewise not been quite so active, while additional ar- rivals have taken place. Bank Stock leaves off, 226228 ; New Three per Cents and Reduced, both 95f 951 ; New Indian Loan, 1051 1051 ; Consols for money and account, 961 96/ ; and for January, 97 971. Money has been at about 21 to 3 per cent. The settling in Consols will take place on Tuesday next : this has been the first making-up day.

The Foreign Market has been rather more active, and prices have been at higher figures. A large amount of business has been negotiated in Mexican Stock, and the final quotation is 221 23; at one time there were buyers at 23. Venezuela has also experienced an advance, and leaves off 29 291. The half-monthly account on Wednesday passed off satisfactorily. Peru- vian Four-and-a-half per Cent closes 91 92 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 70 71; Ditto tribarren, 81 83 ; Ditto. Dollar Bonds, 80 82; Buenos Ayres, 81 83; Ditto Three per Cent, 21 22; Chilian Six per Cent, 103 105 ' • Ditto Four- and-a-half per Cent, ex. div., 86 88 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 72 75. Turkish Stock has not been dealt in to any great extent( 'he old Six per Cents closing 76 77, and the New Ditto, 65 66. Spanish -ins been quiet, leaving off 441 45,1 ; Portuguese, 45} 46; Grenada Active, 17 18. Money was in active demand during the settling. The Railway Share Market has been very firm all the week, and quotations all round show an average rise of lf per cent. There is undoubtedly a much better feeling existing, and there is more disposition to transact business than has been witnessed for some time. Today, prices have slightly given way again, but there is much firmness at the close. Midland, 1071 1071; Great Western, 661 66}; London and North-Western, 971 971; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 981 99 ; London and South-Western, 961 96f ; Caledonian, 91} 92; Great Northern, 1041 1051; Berwick, 941 94f ; North Stafford, 432 die. ; London and Brighton, 112 114; South-Eastern and Dover, 81} 82; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 36f 37. The traffic returns continue very favourable. In French Shares the principal business hes been in Paris and Lyons, the last price of which is 351 36 ; Lombardo- Venetian have been almost stationary, 11 2 prem. ; Northern of France, 38 381; Paris and Strasbourg, 25f 26; East Indian, 102 102i ; Great Indian Peninsula, 99 991 ; Madras, 97f 98f ; Bombay and Baroda, 97 98. There has been nothing of importance doing in Miscellaneous and Mining Shares, but quotations are better.

After official hours Consols have receded to 961.