3 DECEMBER 1859, Page 9

On the 10th of October, in lat. 8.10 N. long.

26.30 E., on board the ship Surrey, for Calcutta, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel H. A. Campbell, C.B., Royal Artillery, of a son. On the 23d, at Brussels, the Princess Thdobald de Vismes et de Ponthieu, of a son.

On the 28th, at Kandy, Ceylon, the Wife of Colonel A. C. Spottiswoode, Thirty- seventh B.N.I., of twin sons.

On the 29th, at Poltimore Park, the Lady Poltimore, of a son and heir.

On Tuesday, the 29th, at Reddington Manor, near Nottingham, the Wife of Bur Thomas Parkyns. Bart., of a son.

On the 24th of November, at 3, Spanish Place, the lion. Mrs. Leveson Randolph, of a son.

On the 26th, at 14, Dawson Street, the Hon. Mrs. Handcock, of a son.

On the 26th, at Somerford Park, Cheshire, the Wife of Sir Charles Avatkin Shakerley, of a son and heir.

On the 27th, at 78, Chester Square, the Hon. Mrs. Chetwynd, of a son. On the 28th, at No. 46, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, the Hon. Mrs. Curzon, of a son, which only survived its birth a short time. At Rackheath Hall, near Norwich, the Hon. Mrs. Miles, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

On the 20th of October, at Belgaum, Maitland, W. B. Sabine Pasley, Esq., Lieut. in 14.31.'s Bombay Artillery, third son of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Sabine Palley, Bart., to Kate Henson, youngest daughter of Major Grehan, late Seventy-eighth Highlanders. On the 29th, at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, Sir Benjamin C. C. Pine, M.A., Lieutenant-Governor, Saint Kitts, to Margarctta Anne, only daughter of the late Colonel John Simpson, of the Bengal Army.

On the 15th of November, at the Church of the Holy Communion, New York, Thomas Charles Baring, Esq., M.A., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford, eldest son of the Lord Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, to Susan Carter, eldest daughter of Robert Bowne Minton', Esq., of New York.

On the 22d, at Fremington, North Devon, George Whitlock, Esq., Captain Eighty-fourth Regiment, eldest son of Major-General Sir Cornish Whitlock, K.C.B., commanding Saugor Field Division, India, to Laura, youngest daughter of the late J. Vellacott, Esq., of Ashford, North Devon. On the 22d, at Stalorgati Church, near Dublin, G. II. Wale. Esq., Commander R.N., son of the late Gen. Sir C. Wale, K.C.B., of Shelford, Cambs., to Blanche, youngest daughter of his Grace the Lord Archbishop of Dublin.


On the 22d of November, at Elm Cottage, Edinburgh, George Wilson, M.D., Pro- fessor of Technology in the University of Edinburgh. On the 234, at Bath, the Hon. Mrs. Henry Howard, Widow of the late Hon. Capt. H. T. Howard, and eldest daughter of Sir John W. Guise, Bart., of Rendcomb Park, Gloucestershire.

On the 26th, at Florence, in his ninety-second year, Charles Bankhead, Esq., M.D., formerly Physician Extraordinary to his Majesty King George IV. _ On the 27th, at Boulogne-sur-filer, William Thomas, eldest sou of the lion. and Rev. WilliamWoclehouse.

On the 28th, at Salistniry, in her ninety-first year, Lady Williams, Widow of 81r Richard Williams, K.C.B:

On the 28th, at Brighton, after a short illness, aged eighty-throe, Henrietta Hunter, Wife of Captain Henry Lancaster, R.N., of 16, Connaught Square.