3 DECEMBER 1870, Page 1


THE Russian affair is believed in official circles to have taken a peaceful turn, and Ministers are most of them betaking themselves to their country houses, only the Duke of Argyle, Mr. Forster, and Mr. Goschen remaining in town. The reason of all this confidence is not quite clear, but it would seem that the British Government, while nominally adhering to its position, and quite ready to fight if Russia enters the Black Sea, has agreed to accept the Prussian recommendation of a Conference in London, without demanding the withdrawal of the Russian Note, which, 'however, explain the inspired journals, will be treated in Con- ference as not having been put forward. It is supposed that the Conference once assembled, Russia will demand the nullification e the clause neutralizing the Black Sea, and that the British representative will propose to throw that sea open to all Powers, which is not precisely what Russia wants. All this looks as if the ,Government to avoid war were consenting to do the very thing

the country disliked, namely, to discuss the Treaty of had with the intention of registering the view which Russia had previously put forward. No such course will, we are satisfied, be well received by the country.