3 DECEMBER 1870, Page 2

General Butler has been trying for the second time to

set the- Union on fire. A schooner has been sent from his Congressional district to break the Canadian fishing laws, and has, of course,. been seized by a British cruiser. As an American cruiser would. seize a British vessel under the same circumstances, and as there- are plenty courts to try the question in, the Americans, who though they like tall talk, like justice too, have not yet taken fire. They want Canada with its people, not Canada with half its- people killed, and the remainder made deadly enemies of the- Union. We firmly believe that at least one-half of the stories. with which men alarm themselves are absolutely without founda- tion. America is quite likely to fight us, and do us very serious injury, but of all Powers in the world it is least likely to take us. at a disadvantage. After all, would a vestry meeting do it? And) America is a vestry meeting.