3 DECEMBER 1870, Page 3

The news from New Zealand is very peaceful. It seems

as if the natives, including the Han-hags,—the murderous fanatics,— were likely to be bribed into tranquillity by the prospect of getting profitable engagements on the public works, which the Ministry are borrowing £4,000,000 sterling to effect. 'The expenditure of the £4,000,000 is to be spread over ten years, but it will pay for a good lot of work and a good 4ot of jobbery that is not work, and the moat restless natives mre beginning to feel the auri sacra fames. A great native meet- ing is reported south of Taranaki at the end of September, to have a gossip over general prospects. Titokowaru, the head of -one of the massacring parties, appeared at it, reported himself tired of fighting, and intending to return to his lair, and not to unolest the English settlers if they would not molest him. The -chief Te Whiti made a speech to this effect :—" The King was -no good ; the Queen was no good ; he did not see any one who was any good, except himself. He had kept his people out of trouble, and meant to do so." Cynical pococuranteism has thus spread among the Maories. Te Whiti deserves to be a West-End man, and comment on life from the bow-window of a club.