3 DECEMBER 1887, Page 1

If there is any disturbance, it will be caused by

a desire to coerce the Congress ; and, of course, it will increase with every day's delay. It is evident that the Communists are astir and watchful, and it is asserted that they have some hope of winning over the infantry, but are afraid of the cavalry—who charged them on Thursday night—and of the marines. There is, however, no serious apprehension in Paris, where the Funds keep up, the theory being that General Saussier can be relied on, and that the soldiers will obey his orders. If IL Ferry is elected, Belleville threatens a riot; but the workmen are unarmed, and their leaders thoroughly under- stand the effect of modern fire. With the reserve, there- fore, that the unexpected happens in Paris, and that an acci- dental shot may cause a collision, it is safe to believe that the election will pass over tranquilly. It is a curious coincidence that M. Gr6vy resigned on the anniversary of Napoleon's coup cretat thirty-five years ago.