3 DECEMBER 1887, Page 1

Mr. Goschen's speech at the banquet of Wednesday night was

one of the most eloquent he has delivered. He commented a good deal on the pitting of the masses against the classes, and said that while he did not in the least deny the dumb instinct of the masses, he was not at all disposed to concede that the only qualification for passing a sound judgment on political matters, is "to have nothing and to know nothing." Replying to the remark of the Nationalist newspapers, that Lord Hartington and he had been tame in their addresses on the previous night, he said that they deliberately avoided inflaming party passions, and that in the heart of Dublin they bad no need to expose those Nationalist misrepresentations which in England and Scotland it was necessary to expose. The Unionists desired nothing more than to be able to extend to Ireland all the local institutions wbieh they are prepared to grant at once to England and Scotland ; but while such local institutions are liable to be at once wrested to partisan objects, it would be at once injurious to the United Kingdom, and folly as regards the interest of the locality itself, to force upon Ireland provisions for one set of legitimate objects which would be used only for another and quite different set of wholly illegitimate objects. Irishmen must take the initiative in organising themselves for resisting Nationalist terrorism, if they would have the Govern- ment do that for which the Government is most eager,—extend to Ireland the local liberties of Great Britain, and also foster anew those Irish industries with which the terrorism of the National League, by repelling capital and arbitrarily controlling labour, has shown itself to be wholly inconsistent.