3 DECEMBER 1904, Page 18

for a free Press, for freedom of speech and belief,

and the right of public meeting. Political equality must be given to every citizen, and village, life purged of the last traces of serfdom, and placed ifnclCr the protection of specially orgreeised Courts of Law..." Local self-government must be iiitrediked throughout the-Empire, and 'game form of repre- sentative government established, with adequate control of this: finances. The Times correspondent on Wednesday for- warded two distinct accounts of the reception of these. resolu- tions. According to one report, the Emperor is favourable to them, and has already decided to grant liberty of the Press, freedom of conscience, representative government, and secure tenure to the Judicial Bench. He has, however, declined to give the people any share in financial control. Another report says that nothing has happened, neither the Emperor nor the Minister of the Interior having received the delegates officially. We have dealt with the question elsewhere.