3 DECEMBER 1904, Page 34

Sin,—Would you allow me to correct an error in your

last issue P You say in your article on "The Increase of Lawless- ness in the United States," by way of contrast to the 31,395 murders and homicides in three years in that country, that "the men killed in action in the Boer War numbered 22,000." If you will look at p. 35 of the Report of the War Commission, you will find that the officers and men killed in action during the whole war numbered 5,774,—not equal, by the way, to the Russians killed during two or three days' fighting on the Sha-ho. Of course, a much larger

• 1 Swedish pound 0425 kilo&

number—viz., 16,168—died of disease or the effect of wounds. The Boers were reckoned to have lost about 4,000 killed in action. Altogether, South Africa during the war was a safer place to live in than the United States of America.—I am, Sir, &c., B. H. H.

[We were quoting the words of an American Judge. He should have said " killed and died of disease in the course of the war."—En. Spectator.]