3 DECEMBER 1921, Page 1

' Those words, of course, give point to the rumour

tint the Sinn Feiners have been trying to invent a form of allegiance which would really be a "limited liability" allegiance. Perhaps they have suggested that they should have a republi'; in sub- stance after all, pledged merely to co-operate with the British Empire for certain purposes. Indeed, the Attorney-General's remarkable words would not have much point unless they referred to some such proposal. But if this be so it would seem that the Sinn Feiners have as yet promised nothing at

all. The Attorney-General went on to say that " theorists might spin fine theories and enthusiasts might indulge romantic dreams, but it was necessary for all to recognize that a thing could not both be and not be at the same time." There is some satisfaction, at all events, in reading those words from the Attorney-General, because we should have thought that if any coherent thread can be discovered running through all the Government's actions of late it is the conviction that things can be and not be at =the same time.