3 DECEMBER 1921, Page 3

The Council proposes to reserve to the new authority powers

over the Fire Brigade, water supply, markets and street traffic, but to share with the boroughs the responsibilities for drainage, parks, housing, roads and some at least of the work of the poor law. In regard to education it is thought that the new authority would have to delegate part of the duties, as the London Education Committee finds its present task over- whelming.' It is somewhat ominous that Mr. Sidney Webb has appeared as a strong supporter of the new scheme, for he is a firm believer in bureaucratic administration. The London County Council is already so much overburdened that the actual administration is almost entirely left to the officials. In a Greater London with eight million people the elected members would probably be still more helpless. The Royal Commission, however, has yet to begin its work, and the outer authorities will Lave to be. heard.