3 DECEMBER 1937, Page 16

A Korean Flower Among the delicate coloured illustrations of , the

latest issue of Curtis's Botanical Magazine (Quarterly, 17s. 6d.) is a picture of Oldham's gypsophila which should be much more widely cultivated than it is. The plant was first discovered in the Korean Archipelago and was for long a rarity ; but seeds have been received from several different places since, and there seems to be no reason why they should not be widely circulated. The plant is a useful adornment to any garden, for it flowers into October, is sweetly scented and is of a pleasant pink hue. No plants are more useful for the picked bouquet than the common gypsophilas and this rare species harbours several additional charms. How many of the lovely plants pictured and described in this unique magazine come from climes wholly unlike ours; and though a good many can only be grown under glass or where an artificial atmosphere can be created, a surprising number acknowledge the hospitality of England and flower in the open air, some of them up to the very edge of winter. It is a fine proof of our devotion to flowers that so beautiful and costly a magazine can be published.

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