3 DECEMBER 1937, Page 3

Juvenile Transference The • recently issued report of the Commissioner

for the Special Areas indicates that transference of juveniles from these areas to others where employment is available is still a necessary part of any solution of the Special Areas problem. No less important than the provision of transference facilities and employment is the provision of tolerable living conditions at the new place of residence. -A- very interesting experiment - to this end has now been initiated in Welwyn Garden City. To young lads between 14-18 life in a strange city with no friends or parental guidance may well be difficult, dull and harmful.. Often it drives the boys home again. Last week a residential dub for transferred boys was opened in Welwyn. It provides bed, meals, comfort, and company for 4o boys working in the immediate neighbourhood, under the direction of an experienced warden, and is attached to a boys' and young men's club which has been running now for two years. The cost of the building has been provided largely by the Welwyn Garden City Company, but donations have been received from private sources, the Jubilee Trust and the Ministry of Labour. Apart from other considerations—and there are many—other com- munities would do well seriously to consider this scheme as a means of counteracting the tendency for transferred boys to return home.