3 DECEMBER 1937, Page 54


Coming nearer home, it is worth noting that the fall in value of many securities, and notably, perhaps, in some of the better class Home stocks, has prompted the formation. of one or two important Trusts, which, although promoted by private interests, are believed to represent a very large amount of capital, while names of important firms are associated with the movement. It is believed that some of these privately' artanged Trusts have already been successful in laying in stocks at bargain prices and, indeed, it is regrettable that the onHi-Jury investor is not more ready to take advantage of " slumps " to acquire securities. Unfortunately, the tendency is, and always has been, for the public to buy on a rising market and too often to buy at the top. There is, however, I think, a further point to be remembered in connexion with the recent slump followed by a sudden rally, namely, that dealings in the Stock Markets are in some directions becoming less free through lack of sufficient facilities, and in place of rumours—at present, I am glad to say, unconfirmed—of jobbers retiring, it would be good news to learn of some addition to the present number.