3 DECEMBER 1983, Page 19

A single (early) life

Sir: May I be allowed to comment briefly on two points in Mr Mark Amory's kind review (19 November) of my Married to a Single Life?

First: The book closes when 1 was still in my thirties, though I have found it con- venient to follow the careers of one or two people in it to beyond 1938. I am now in my eighty-third year. Of course I do not 'prefer not to think' of my brother Anthony's disgrace; surely it does not require much imagination to appreciate how traumatic and terrible an experience it was, and still remains, to us all. But since it did not take place until 1979 it will be fully discussed in due course in the sequel that is already 'on the stocks'.

Second: What grounds has Mr Amory for assuming that Stephen Haggard was 'the love of [my] life' when more than forty-five years of it remain to be recorded? Wilfrid Blunt

Curator, The Watts Gallery, Compton, Guildford