3 FEBRUARY 1849, Page 10

The Paris Moniteur of Thursday announces that the Government had

received reports from the provinces proving that the conspiracy defeated in Paris had extensive ramifications throughout France. Tumultuous demonstrations were made at Limoges, Macon, Chalons-sur-Saone, and Strasburg; at Marseilles the Clubbists declared themselves in permanence, but were overawed by a military display. Arms and ammunition were smuggled into France by the North-eastern frontier, and thirteen chests of muskets were seized at Troyes.

Paris was tranquil. On Thursday, the National Assembly rejected a proposition for an amnesty in favour of the insurgents of June, by 531 to 167.

Roman letters, of the 24th January, state that almost all the Ministers had been elected to the Costituente by overwhelming majorities. De- spatches from the provinces brought accounts that the elections were pro- ceeding with enthusiasm; the Bishops in many cases leading the van.