3 FEBRUARY 1849, Page 6

ZEbt el ourt. THE Queen and Prince Albert returned from

Windsor to Buckingham Palace in the morning of Wednesday; and in the afternoon of the same day her Majesty held a Court and a Privy Council, at which the Speech for the opening of the session of Parliament was settled.

Audiences were given by the Queen to Mehmed Pacha, the Ambassador from the Sultan; Admiral Cecille, the Ambassador from the French Re- public; Sefior Osma, Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Peru; Senor Castellan, Special Commissioner from the Republic of Nicaragua; Sailor Molina, Minister Plenipotentiary from the Republic of Costa Rica; , and the Marquis di Sauli, Envoy Extraordinary and Moister Plenipoten- tiary from the King of Sardinia,—on the presentation of their respective credentials; Count de Revel, to present his letters of recall by the King of Sardinia.

The Bishop of Sodor and Man had an audience, and delivered to her Majesty the ensigns of the order of the Bath worn by his brother, the late Earl of Auckland; the Earl of Carlisle had an audience, and pre- sented the ensigns of the order of the Garter worn by his late father. Lord John Russell, the Marquis of Lansdowne, Earl Grey, Sir John Hob- house, and Sir Elkanah Armitage, also had audiences.

On Thursday, the Queen went in state to the House of Lords, to open the second session of the present Parliament. Six carriages, each with six bay horses, conveyed the officers attached to the Queen's person and household. Her Majesty rode in the state coach drawn by eight cream- coloured horses; and was accompanied by Prince Albert, the Dutchess of Sutherland as Mistress of the Robes, and the Duke of Norfolk as Master of the Horse. The procession left Buckingham Palace shortly before two o'clock, and passed through a numerous and gay concourse of cheering

spectators to the House of Lords; and it returned to the Palace by three o'clock.

At half-past four the Queen and Prince Albert quitted the Palace, for Windsor Castle. The Dutchess of Kent came to town on Saturday morning, visited the Dutchess of Gloucester, and returned to Frogmore in the evening. The Dutchess of Cambridge returned to her residence at Kew on Satur- day, from her visit to the Duke and Dutchess of Beaufort at Badminton House.