3 FEBRUARY 1877, Page 25

Two Months in Syria in 1875; or, Reminiscences of Tent

Life. By C. H. Berners. (Hunt and Co.)—Mr. Berners wrote letters to friends at home describing his journeyings. They did not show a very judicious gratitude when they asked him to publish them. We cannot see any reason for giving them to the world. Their only merit, when we come to compare them with books written on the same subject during late years, is that the experiences which they record are recent. But even in this they yield to the information which Mr. Cook is always willing to supply. Might we suggest that it would be well to study the nar- ratives to which allusion may be made. Jabin, King of Canaan, did not lose his life at the battle of Merom (p. 221). A really valuable piece of information is that if you wish to keep vermin out of your clothes, you should wrap them up in a piece of mackintosh.