3 FEBRUARY 1917, Page 3


(I) Will Lord Deronport tell us an his honour that in the discharge of his duties as Food Controller he has left

nothing undone which could be done to prevent cereals which

might be used for human food being used for other purposes?

(2) If he is not prepared to make such a statement, will bent may rate tell us that by stopping, altar April 1st next, thirty per cent. of the destruction of cereals up till now used .inn the manufacture of intoxicants he has given us all the..security against famine which we can possibly require?

(3) Is he certain that the difficulty of victualling these islands by sea will not increase?

(1) If he cannot feel sure on this point, why does lie not store the seventy per cent. of barley instead of letting it become Beer? (5) Does he realize that if he is compelled to change his view as to the submarine peril, it will be too late to save the seemly per cent. of barley he now leaves to the brewers?

If Lord Deronport is content to leave it at that, we can assure him that the country is not, or at any rate will not be when it wakes up, as Ice mean it shall wake up, on the Shortage of Food question,