3 FEBRUARY 1950, Page 18

The Case of Taylor Woodrow

SIR,—The main reason why I did not see Mr. Frank Taylor, of Tayloi Woodrow Construction, Ltd., is that the primary responsibility for dealing with contractors is that of my colleague, Sir Charles Lockhart, who, at the time, was in East Africa engaged among other things in settling the future of the Taylor Woodrow contract. Because of this, I took the view that discussions between the firm and myself could not be conclusive without Sir Charles Lockhart's presence. Sir Charles returned to London on December 21st, and saw Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., on December 30th and on January 2nd and January 6th, and concluded arrangements for the termination of their contract. Taylor Woodrow, in asking for a release from their contract, were aware that the work on which they were engaged was in any case coming to an'end.—Yours faithfully, L. A. PLUMMER. Overseas Food Corporation,

31 & 33 Hill Street, London, W.1.