3 JANUARY 1829, Page 16


By the Madras we have advices from Madras to the 23;1 August, and by S.

Undaunted from Calcutta to the 20th of that mouth. Freight still continues very scarce at 4/. to 61. at the fornier of these places, and at 21. 10s. for dead weight, and 41. to 51. fur measurement goods at the latter. The following vessels were loading at Calcutta for Europe. Governor Harcourt; Circassian ; Asia, (Agar) ; Georgiana ; Euphrates, and Thames (Bugg), for London. Lady Holland and Victory,Ifor Madras and London. Alacrity, Cape and London. Othello ; Jane Haddow ; Braddock; and Bahamian for Liverpool. Several of these may be daily expected. Arrived.—At Gravesend, Dec. 30th, Madras, Beach, front Bengal and Madras,. 23c1 Aug., Cape, 25th Oct., and St. Helena, 8th Nov. At Portsmouth. Dec. 3(1,. II. M. S. Undinnitett Clifford, from Bengal 20th Aug., Mauritius, 4th Oct., Cape,. 12th Nov., and St, Helena, .gith Nov. At St. Helena, Nov. IS, Madras, Christiao,. front Bengal for Liverpool; -and Dec. 27th, Duke of Bedford, Morris, from Bombay and Algoa Bay. At the Cape, Oct. 13th, Lavinia, Brooks. 'J st, Ctesar, Watt. 221, Rockingham, Hornblow ; and Earl of Egremont, Johnson, all from London. George Canning, Burstall ; anti Mary Lueetwk., both from Liverpool. 28th, Ellen,. Boyle, from Bombay ; and 20th, 0 lenalvon, Rickerby, front London. At the Mauritius, Sept. 27th, Camno-Bello, Corner, from London. At Bombay, date nut reported, Palambang, front Clyde. At .Madras, Aug. 10111' Angerotia, Rein:Imp 17th, Ganges, Loyd and 191.11, Borne, l'ope, all front London. At Calcutta, Aug. 9th,- 51instreil, Arekoll; II th, Providence, Ford ; and 12t1), Thames, Bugg, all from London and Mitdras aud also on 12th, Craigiecur, flay, from London.

Saiied.—From Gravesend, Dec. 27th, Lady Fevershatin, Ellertiy, for Bontbay. ',Sal, Elizabeth, Phillips, for Madras. ffinh, Resource, Smith, for New South \Vales ; and Jan. 1st, General Palmer, Thomas, for Madras. From Liverpool, Dee. 29th, Thomas Parsons, for Singapore.

Spoken. Arabian, Wiliis, front Calcutta to London, Dec. 3rd, 6 south. Maria, of Witby, for Mauritius, Dee. 5th, 1 north, lb west.

The Gallovidian, Martin, from Bombay, was totally wrecked at the Mauritius oil the 20th September.