3 JANUARY 1835, Page 2

INDEX 1835.



America-Opening of Congress: the Pre- sident's hostility to the Bank ; claims upon France, 49. P g tion of ('on- gress. 339. Seizure of a Slave ship by the British unlit°, ities. 39',. Agitated State of the country on New° Emenci- pation. 814. 1463. Otigin of I.) tub's law, 917. Elections 'n3. Attempt of Louisiana to seize on the Pros ince of Texas. 1123. Review of the Dispute with Frames. 1143.

Belgium- Birth of a Prince. 362. Mr. Stephenson receives the Order of [este- pold, 461. Pnwegat ion of the Cham- bers. to avoid a Ministerial defeat, 478. Opening of the Sessions ; reduction of the tastes, 742. Flourishing state of the country. 1218.

Brazils - Insurrection of the Negroes, 266. Attnek on the City of Para, 9e9. (. /dna- I). eerie of Lord Napier with the

authorities, ; suspension of the trade, 12°: death of Lord Napier. 266. Colonies -Itarbadoes -Favourable reports from. 395. Canada-Lord Amherst op- pointed Corn miseioner. 323. Indepen- dent resolutions of the House of As- sembl; of Lower Canada. 36e. Speech of 1,ord Gosforl on the opening of Par- liament, 1121. Spirited reply of the House of Assemble. 1169. The Legis- lative Council reeese to receive Mr. Boeimek as agent, 1193. Jamaica- Disagreement between the Marquis of Sligo and the Colonial Parliament ; Dissolution of the Parliament. 958. Labours of the West Indite.' Compen- sation Commieeioners. 965.

'France-Racal of the French Minister from Washington, 50. Introduction of a bill for the payment of the American Indemnity Money, 73, 574. Russian claims upon France for the occepation of Poland. 81,98. Opposition of the De- puties to tle• continuance of this tobacco monopoly. 170. Retirement of Marshal Mintier fr. :a the Preselency, 194. The State priseners not allowed to choose their own cnunsel, 290, Prosecutions of the Press, 58,303, 5%, 1029. The Advo- rates of Faris deny the right of the Crown to compel them to plead before the Peers, e38, 361. Acknowledgment of the Areeritem claims, 386. Unpopula- rity of Marshal Soult, 387. Secret service money. 909. P sil refuses to allow the estate prisoners to call wit- nesses. 410. Commencement of the trials 429; the refra ory prisoneri renite oh, from Court, 45ei ; disgust of the Peers at the proceedings. 454; the Court re- solve not to try the prisoners in their absence, 478; sentence on (Inc for con- tempt of Collet. 699; escape of twenty- eight, 670. Plot to assassinate I Philip, 646. Celebration of the Three Days ; explosion of the infernal ninchine, 718; account of Fieschi, 742; Funeral eeremcmies, 752. Bill to restraiu the Prete. 742, 790; discussions. 814. 838, 862. Distrust of the King, 776. Appeal of M. Rasped. 838. Speech of Wilton Barret, at a dinner given by the Mayor and Corporation of Thorigny. 933; dismissal of the Mayor; resignation and spirited remonstrance of the Town- Council. 1005. Act of accusation against Fieselii, 1169.

Germany-Illness of the Emperor of Aus- tria, 218; his death. 242. Death of Baron Humboldt. 367. Dissolution of the Chamber of Hesse Cassel. 362. Repre- sentative Chamber of Mutest refuses to enter into the Commercial Union. 550. The Frankfort Journal's advocacy of des- potism, 909. Accident to the King of Pelisse', 917. The l'russian Commer- cial League, 981. Treaty bete sea Aus- tria and Greece, 1006; the Emperor of Russia visits the Court of Austrie, 1006, 1038.

Holland-Riot at Amsterdam, 290. 670. Attack on the Jews in Hamburg, 752. Opening of the States-General, 11306. The Budget, 1030. Portugal- Marriage of the Queen with the Duke of Leuelatenberg, 145; his death, 338. Changes in the Ministry, 242. Wish of the Deputies that her Majesty should marry,347; her Majesty expresses her consent, 430. Resignation of the Ministers, 558. Sale of National Property 863. 982. Dispute with Sar- dinia, 8e5. Treaty with England. 957. Stoppnee of Lord Beresford's pay, 10e6. Return of the Ministers-humiliation of the Queen, 1123. Intrigues of the Court, 1127. Riissia-Conspirrtcy in St. Petersburg, 622. Militate, assemblage at Kalisch, 918, 967. Confiscation of Polish estates, 1074. Speech of the Emperor to the inhabitants of Warsaw. 1093; Anger of the Emperor at its publication, 1193. Erection of a monument at Warsaw to the Emperor Alexander, 1218.

Spain-Meeting of the troops in Madrid. 911. Retirement of Llander, 122. Cap- tors of Carlist store-ships. 151, 1049. Barbarity of Mina. 290. Disturbances in et alega and Saragossa, 361. Valdez snceeeda Mina. 387. Dissatisfaction in Madrid, 478. Lord Wellington's treaty

Cortes prorogued. 586. Zmnalacarreguy

wounded, 598; his death, 622. Death of Eraso. 646. Suppression or the Jesuits. 670. Defeat of the Carlists at Estella. 694. Independent:us of the South American States acknowledged, 766. General Evans arrives at Santander, 814. Violation of the Freech territory by the Carlists. 839. General Evans defeats the Cellists. 863. Defeat of the Queen's troops, 909. The new Ministry, 933, 957. Restoration of the honours of the family of Mega, 1074. Speech of the Queeu Regent on the opening of the Cortes. 1122. The Carlists lay siege to St. Sebastian, 1217.

Turkey -Insm .f•ctiou in Scutari. 646. Arrival of Lord Durham, 931; his re- ception at Constantinople, 958.


The Court at Ihighton. 31. 56, 98, 146. The Duke or Leuchtenberg istS the King at Brighton, 56. Rummies of her ejeety's pregnancy. 123, 1.10, The Is nig glues in state to open Parliament ; the Address from the Peers, 203; from the Commons, 204. Celebration of her Majesty's birth-day, 223. The Court goes into mourning ler the Einperor of Austria. 272. Earl Grey called to assist in the formaCon of a Ministry. 338. Presentation of Lord Amherst as Com- missioner to Canatle, 342. The King holds a Privy Council to receive the Seals front the retiring Ministers ; the new Ministry Ides 'muds, 369. Marquis Camden presents au address front the Cambridge University, 430, The King holds an levestiture of the Order of the 456. Concert at Kensington Niece, 4e3 The Queen visas the Lord Mayor, 506. The royal part y attend the El onMon- tem. 553. A nuivereary of the battle of Waterloo, 574. Address from the Ge • need Assembly ol the Church of Scot- land, 604. Earl of Durham appointed Ambassador to Russia, 628. Petition from the Baronets of t he United King- dom for a restoration of pH, ilvsges. 650. Their Majesties visit the Earl and Countless of Mansfield at Caen. 700. Confirmation of the Princess Victoria, 725; Prince George of Cambridge. 774. The K lug goes in state to prorogue Parliament, 870. Reception ot the Ilinteliese of Kent and the lesincese Victoria at Itatusgate ; arrival of the King and Queen of Belgium. 934; their departure, 939. Anniversary of the battle or Camperd eon, 982. Visit of ben Majesty to Oxensl, 1007, 1061. Drawing-rooms. 223. 323. 456, 506. 604. 1.evees. 176. 203, 2e9, 296, 393, 342,410, 430, 456,483. 675, S4S.

The Lord Mayor null the Police Commit- tee.31 ; his meet ion front the City Lauds Committee. 77; dispute W it 11 Mn. Pritch- anl. 410,456; a Committee of the Com- mon Council consider the matter.430.483; refuses to call a Common Hall to con- sider the Municipal Bill, 751 ; threatens to arrest Mr. Greig for speaking, 934. Bank Liabilities, 58, 151. 345. 631, 1s22, 918. 1015. 1198. Death of Mr. Justice Taunton, 5:4. New Regulations of the Twopenny Poseoffice, 78. Cap. lain Robison and General Darling. 78. Distressing case of the girl Waller, 99. Lord Hee tesbury Laminated to the Governorship o5 India, 100, Anne Thornton, the female sailor, 147. In- formations against the Strand Theatre, 177. '205. Death of Mr. hunt, 177. Establishment of a Registration Club io the City, 204. Inquiry into the con- duct of the City. Marshal, 251, '296. Mr. Butwer and les constituents, 252. 273, Sir F. leirdett's reasons for ab- senting himself from the iliaisiuutus. 353 letter to Brookes's, 1102; to his colt- stituents. 1197. Communication from Sir It. Peel to Mr. Hume, 275. Sir Robert Gordon appointed Ambassador to Russia, 297, The Duke of York's creditors. 303. Grand meeting in honour of Lord John Russell, 297. City ad- dress to Sir IL Peel, 323, 342. The Queen's Ereiery dismissed for voting with the Reformers, 394; recalled, 345. Resignation of Ministers, 337; the new i Met ry , 368, 385. Robbery of jewels. 312,629. Sale of East India Company's warehouses. 36e. Treasury Bills dis- honoured at the Bank, 395, 410. Mur- der of Mrs. Browning at Woolwich, 410. Disraeli and the Westminster Club.412. Leril A IvanIce's letter to Mr. O'Connell, 416; duel with Morgan O'Cotinell. 431. Disraeli and O'Connell, 439. Sir R. Peel at Merchant Tailors' Hall, 456. Elopement of Miss Grant, 496; pro- ceedings in Chancery, 630; duel be- tween Sir C. Grant land Lord Seymour, 50e. Death or Mr. Cobbett. 583. 629. Military outrages, 579, 650, 651. 700 726,8414, 910, 9.3; order from the Horse Gnards,630, Exeter II ell Meetings. 653. 675. Accidents on the Birmingham Railway. 676, 700, 797. 911. 983, 1051. Grand dinnerat Fishmongers' II:111,751. The Duke of Cumberland and the Orange Committee, 752. 822 ; forgetful- III'S; of the Duke, 822; meethig at Lord

lee n von's. t "le A rmy.850 ;

Duke or Wellington, 868, The Revising Barristers, 886. 910. 934, 959. 9443, 1007. improvements in the vicinity of the Posts office, 959. Coverdale's Bible, 959. Lay- ing the filet stone of the City of London New School, 1007. Conduct of Mr. Botch, 1030.1037, 1050, 1098. Goldsm id's attack on O'Connell, 1032. Case of Mr. Rowlett, 1080. Election of Mn. Salo- mon% 1098, 1146. Duel between Mr. Black and Mr. Roebuck, 1103. The whale fishermen in Davis's Straits, 1172. O'Sullivan at Brighton, 1196. Loss of life on the Serpentine, 1218. Steam- boat notedetite 1008. 1075. 1125, 1146.

Destrection of the Medical School at Sheffield,99. Establishment of a Reform Society at Liverpool, 273. Thanks to Mr. Ward for his conduct in Parliament, 263. Lord John Russell's address to the electors of South Devon, 390. Explosion of a powder.mill,392. Dinner at Devon. port to Mr. Dawson, 411. Fatal explo- sion of (550 steam-boilers at Liverpool, 959. Affray at Wolverhampton. 506, 5014, 534,555. 580. Lord stauley's letter On Conservative Clubs, 579. Accidents in coal-m ines,606. 676. Lord Brougham at Liverpool. 700. Fire on the Man- chester Rade ; Court-martial on Lieu- tenant G. C. Stovin, 709.. 726. Meeting at Birnvingham on the Corporation Bill, 797. Mr. O'Connell's invitation to a dinner at Manchester, 849; his speech, 887. Sir R. Peel's speech at Tamwortle 870. The Birmingham Political Union reorganized; desperate gang of burglars at Reigate. 871. The Revising Barris tens, 911. 938, 960. 983, 1008. 1031, 1051. Dinner to Mr. Sergeant Wilde, 936. Answer of Lord John Russell to the Taunton address,937. Reform meeting at Great Yarmouth, 961. Cheshire Con- servatives-the Rev. Joshua King, 984. Perilous voyage of the Pique frigate, 1014. Agricultural dinner at Bridguortle 1033. Explosion of a fire-work manu- factory. 1052. Lord John Russell at Bristol, 1075. Agricultural meetings. 1099,1148. Death of the Duke of Beau- fort. 1127. Injunction against the Liver- pool Corporation. 1147, 1170. Leicester Corporation gifts of plate, 1220. Races -Ascot. 58e; Epsons,534; legliam,821 ; Goodwood, 726.

Division Lists, 175. 205, 274, 325, 537. Revenue. 26, 344. 653, 9e9. Income and expenditure. 365. General elections, 3, 26, 33, 59, 74, 81, 100. Complete returns. 107. Election move- ments. 412, 434. 460.

Public Meetings-Bank, 272; election of Governor 81111 Deputy-Governor, 342, 886. East India Coml.:my, 125.151, 676, 725, 1194. East India Dock Company. 936. St. Katherine's Dock Company, 78. Shareholders of the Thames Tunnel, 223, Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, 272. Drury Lane Theatrical Fund, 323; Co- vent Garden. 342. Orphan Working School. 342. Marylebone Literary and Scientific Institution, 223; City of Lon- don, 362. London Mechanics Institute. 483. Proprieters of the London Uni- versity, 1146. Meeting of the Zoological Society-conduct of the Earl of Derby, 421. British and Foreign Bible Society, 430; School Society, 430. Protestant Society. 462. Meeting to procure the repeal of the Whitlow-tax, 251; to pe- tition against Taxes on K nou ledge, 410, 700; at the British Coffeehouse to es- tablish a Reform Association, 483.


Dinner to the Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, 100, Election of Representative Peers ; meeting at Haddington in honour of the return of Mr. Ferguson, 148. Death of Mr. Andrew Simile, 344. Lord Mel- bourne's letter to the hand-loom wee- vers, 440. Election of Mr. Chiseholm, 483. Meeting of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 507, 794. Fire in Glasgow, 5551 Appointment of Tories. 581. 632. Sir henry l'arnell called on to explein why he did not vote for the Ballot, 702. Explosion on board the Earl Grey steamer at Greenock, 727. Divorce of Sir George and Lady Warrender, 822. The Ohl and tins New Town-Council of Glasgow, 850. O'Con- nell's visit to Edinburgh. 913; Glas- gow, 939. Mr. O'Sullivan at Glasgow, .916; at Paisley: address from the Dis- senters to Lord John Russell, 940. Pro- test of the General Assembly of the Scotch (711nrele 964. Agricultural meet- ing at Ae r, 965. Sir John Campbell at Edinburgh, 1011. Mr. O'Connell's let- ter to Mr. Buchan, 1012. Finances of Glasgow Tow n-Council, 1035. Attempt to blow up a house in Glasgow. 1053. Adoption of the ballot. 1080. Inun- dation at Greenock, 1126.


Murder of Mr. Lundy Foot, 32. Verdict of the Coroner's Jury tin the Ratheormac A Mae. 33. Incitement to murder O'Con- nell, .57. Opening of a branch of the National Bank of Ireland at Carrick on-Suir, 149. Dismissal of Sir William Gossett, 4t1. O'Connell's address to Isis constituents, 415.Entrnuee of Earl Mulgrave into Dublin, 459. Mur- exclusion of Roman Catholics feets the commission of the peace. 553. Duel between Mr. Haire awl Sir Murphy, 629. Orange Riots, 652. 6e7. Meet- ing of Catholics prevented by Orange- men. 7e6; the meeting, 76-2. Law ar ',ointments, 821. Court-martial on Sir James 1). II. Hay. 822. Lord el ulgmve refuses to sanction the election of the Mayor and Sheriffs of Curk, 913, 963. O'Connell's entry into Dublin. 938. De-. vastation by a moving bog, 963. The Dublin Election Commission, 931, 986, 988. 1012. 1034, 1053, 1126. 1173. 1197. 1221. O'Connell and Ex-Sheriff It a pbael. 1037. 1079, 1101. Iteconeilietion of O'Connell and Lord Clolicinry, 1013. Cruelty of Lord Iteresfopl, 1034. 1174. Disgraceful proceedings in 11 court of law, 1079. Tim O'Connell Tribme,1097, 1100. Decision of the Revisum Bar- rister reversed, 1149. O'Conuell's letter to Burdett, 1149.


Disasters at Sea-Loss of the Henry, 79, George the 1111T11, 822, and the Neva, convict ships. 1157. Steam-boat disas- ters-the Harlequin, 2; Allele ide. 390; Perth, 911; Prince Frederick. 1079, Fires-1n London, 79. 390, 485. 751, 774; the Penitentiary, 960. K noweley hail. 726; Barnet, 821: Hatfield I lonse, 1128. 1149, inquest, 1196; Stoke Castle, 1172.


Dissolution of the first Reformed Parlia- ment, 1 . Opening of Parlianient. 170- Election of Speaker, 171, The King's Speech. 194. Address, the. 195 ; divi- sion, 202 ; his Majesty's Klee. 218. Agricultural distress, 504. A ppropria- lion Act, 847. Ballot, the. 52.e. Berk- liampstead School. 604. Breach of Pri- vilege, 293. Bribery at Elect ions, 247. Budget. 773. Business or the House. 750. Canadians, complaint' of the. 247, 272: Lord Canterbury's mission to the. 295. Catholic Oath, 552. 682. Chathain election : conduct of Colonel Tremenheere, 293. Clerical sinecures awl extortion, 478. Corporation Com- mission. 203; reform, matinee of the bill, 527; S101,1111 reading, 574 ; debate in Committee, 598,622. 646, 670 ; read a third time, 6913; the lends determine to hear counsel against the lee. 719; speech of Sir C. Wetherell, 720; motion of the Earl of Carnarron to hear evi- dence. 743; debate in Commit tee, 766. 790,814; read a third time and sent to the Commons. 816; debate on the amendments. 1439; conference u ith the Lords, 843, 864: rem ives the royal assent, 866. Darling. General, 724. 848. Dens's Theology. 673. Dissenters' Marriages, 269. 4132. Divieions, report of the Committee on the. 363. Dublin pmcession, 481. 505; Police bill, 847. East India Maritime Officers, 250. Ec- clesiastical Courts, 247. Elections- Dublin, 272; Great Yarmouth, 749; Ipswich. 5e0, 575, 6e6. 699, 750; Lei- cester, 295, 322; Stafford, 479. Esti- mates-Army, 294.4515, 773; miscella- neous, 456, 552„649. 673; Navy, 248, 271, e94.341, 482; Ordnance, 482. Fo- reign Relations-Austria nnd It ussia, 250; Portugal, 773. Gosferd, conduct of Lord, 454. Hand-loom weavers. 723„ Hume, Sir, and Mr. Clot rit. in. 532. Im- prisonment for debt, 221. 270 793, 819. India, Governor-General of. 625. Inti- midation of voters, 271. Irish Coercion Bill. 723; Corporation Reform, 721. 771. 792; linen trade, 647; Church, 295; motion of Lord John It usse11.314 ; division on the motion, 322; te bate. 338, 576.601; bill introduced. 646; mo- t ion of Sir It. Peel to divide the bill into two parte, 694; debate 721. 747; introduced to the Lords, 773; debate. 792; rejected, 817. 844; conduct of the Church Commissioners, 602, 627. Is- lington cattle-market, 272, 533, 650. Johnston, Mn. A ndrew, and his cousti- tuents. 532. King of Belgium. income of. 222. Lndiee, admission of, to the Gallery. 673. Lighthouses, 29a Liver- pool Police Bill. 482. London Univer- sity Charter, 292, 322. Lord London- derry's appointment, 2111, u67. Lords, relorm of the,845. elalt.tax, repeal of the. 249. Marriages of Roman Catho- lics and Protestants. 272: Roman Ca- tholics, 773; Prohibited, 533, 820. Mi- nistry-Dismissal of Lord Men/01MM 244; resignation of Sir R. Peel, 330; negotiation for the formation of a new., 362; Lord Melbourne's announcement to the House of Lords, 3e7. Music in publiellouses, 628, 847, Mutiny Act, 341. National Education. 480. News- paper Stamps, 578 795. Orange ad- dresses to the Kiug.219 ; charges against elinisters, 551; Lodges, 291. 698. 748, 771, 793, 867; riots, 241; societies in the Army, 670. Orders to the military ia Ireland, 221. Patents, Law of, 147. Peel, Sir It. and Mr. flume, 295 Pen- sion-List, 251. Pormlaws for Ireland. 270, 647. Post-office abuses. 296; management of the,648. 674. Prisoners* sso. Railways-Great Western. 250. 504. 539. 890; Grand Inaction. 230. Registration and Impressment or Sea- men, 71; of Voters, 295. 576 844. Sabbath, Observance of this 291 479. 532. Savings Banks, 533. Scottish (laurels. 453; grant of money to the, 551, 626; Commission. 796. 819. Seamen lutist meat Bill, 648. smii field Market MIL 250. South Aus- tralian Colony, 647. Spain, war in, 819. Suppl Ws, limitation or the-all er cation between Mr. Hume and sir It. Peel, 244; postpoutouent or the. 794; Tea-duties, alteration al. 673. Thames Tunnel, 4-2. 649. Tithes- I OA. 1.69 ; debate on the Report, 290; bill to re- lieve Ministers nom enforcing the Mi- nima of the Million Loam 816. 866; commutation of English. 292; on Tur- nips. 848. University Tests, 672; West India Loan, 750 W ills Execution Bill,

482. Wit 'lessee Bribery Iodise nit y Bill, 341. Wolverha rapt in A ffray. 531, 628,820. Yarmouth awl Wolk Bribery, 671. The Prorogation, 867.


Aberdeen Universities 11111, 633..

Abinser (Lord) and lfie Lord Mayor, 1034. Address. Vote on-Tory t 'alettlaihnis.'228. Agitation, Tory and Radical Means (0.468. St. Alhatea Abbey. Hat field. Sse 834 Alvailley and Molgan O'Connell. 439. Army -Climes ot the soldiety. 489; Sol-

diers and their Side-Aims. 634.

Ballot, Debate on the. 538.

Bankruptcy, Duty or the Coma of, 512. Bent itick. Honest William. 632. Berkhampstead School. 608. Berne Vorort autl the BLit ish Parliament, 278.

Blackwood, Ilelps to. in Finishing the Pur trait of a Whig. 157.

Breugham-Simite of. 630; Conservative Writing in the Edinburgh Review. 1019; Attack on O'Cuutiell iti the Morning Adrertistr 1181; Denies the Author- ship, 1199.

Burdett, Sir Francis-Shuffling Relative to the Reform Association. 537.' Call on Ilrookes's Club. 1102, 1131; Letter It, the Observer. 1179.

Catholic Oath, 418.

Church-Causes or the Increase of Dis- sent, 103; Report ut the Commissioners, 274 ; Tory Plan of Reform. 277; Anti- cipation. of Lord Jollit's Nlotion. 291; -.The Clinch Reform !Slalomed. 301; Clerical Usurpat ion : Queen Anne's Bounty Irish Livings, 372; Case or Mr. Childs, 463; The Real Destructives. 488; The Census of the Irish Church, 608 ; The Irish Church in Detail, 634; Scotch Church Commission, 802 ; Clerical Agitation - O'Sullivan and MIShee. 897; The Covertlale Anniver- sary, 969; Misrepresentation a the Irish Church Bill by the Sy nod of Aber- deen. 10 i8 : The Times awl the Ca- tholic Clergy. 1059; Mr. llorsman and Mr. Brewster Reprehended by the Pres- bytery. 1085; Case of Mr. Rowtatt, 1131. 1181; Church and State -Warburton and Paley. 1178. 1181: The Church Po- litical of Scotland, 1'227.

Chancery. Appoimment of Commission- ers,398; Sir Lancelot Shad well's " Otnis- sion," 1107.

Constitution. the Good Old," 1132.

-Corn-Laws-Bill to prohibit the Impor- tation of Corn front the Channel Is- lands, 420.

Corporation. Malepractices of the Liver- pool. 1106.

Corporation Reform-Report of the Irish Commissioners. 512; A naly sis of the Engliall Bill. 536 ; Its importance, 559: Debate, 584. Instruction to the Corn' missioners for Fixing the Boundaries of Boroughs, 703; Hints to the New Con. stitnencies, 1085; Disfranchising Otwra- tion of the Bill: 1106; Irish Corpora- tion Retinas 1180: Observations on the Working of the English Bill. IVO.

Country, State of the-the Contending Powers, 823; Signs of a Popular Admi- nistration. 1017.

Cumberland (Duke or). O'Connell. and the Times. 992; Need the Duke fear • an Impeachment,825. Curtis's (sir William) DoslikaofJews. 680. Darling (General) and Captaiu Rubisou, 585.730.

Day of Small Things, 101. Division Lists, 957.

Elections-Fur the City; the Finsbury Candidates, 9; the County, 35; Un- seasonable Duties, 37; ltesults of the, 61; Mr. Hume for Middlesex, 62; Es- timate or tlt.s Strength ot Parties on the Plan of Sir It. Peel, 83; Clerical Can- vassers. 85; Preparations for the Next, 463; Staffordshire Election, 509; Tory System or Electioneering, 538; Tory Proceedings - Statement of Colonel Thompson. 733; Sir George Grey's Bri- bery Committee, 1039 ; Partisanship of the English Clergy : Mr. Singleton's Evidence, 1060.

'Evans, General. 921.

Excise Inquiry, Contmission of. 393. Exeter Hall " Tomaxtlery." 609. Fair Trial, Quoth She ; Marry, Hang tier, Qnoth Itch 230.

Farmers-How would Mr. Wortley Re- lieve them ? 437; Plan of the Marquis of Chanties, 510: The " Farmer's Friends" and the Malt•Tax. 968; Per- plexed Agriculturists, 1060; Lord Stan. hope's Motion before the Central Ass°.

Glasgow Representation. 1226. Government Officer's 436.

Grey Impossible Restoration of, 131. 11 ey teshory. I.ortl, 134. India- Results of the New System or Trade and Guvernntent, 946 ; slow Pro. gress fit ittlifirMittat Abuses, 992. Internal Machine. 778-

Ipswich Brilsory. the Upshot of the. 560 ;

•• Respectability" a Mr. 0.151alley,633 Ireland -Time Itiaptired to correct the

Abuses in. 350; Public Iti-tructi JJJJ .5S1, 607: Preparations fur Rimming tlw Title- War. 920 ; Ejecttuent of :he Ca- t holie Tenant ty. 11;0. John•toue ( NI r. Andrew) Pledges of, 511. Lorats Lieutenant. Removal of 'fury. 417. Lotaltuiderry ( Lord). Spirit or. and Spit it

of the Ase, 182

LOVe of °nice Exemplified. 734. 51 ag ist rates - 1 rresputisi hie. 373; hard Case of a R ussiatt Gentleman. 833; Pitaishinent or Mr. Um nett, 1203.

Mal a Misgoreinateut or, 82 833; Skew], of a New Constitution, 851. 51alt-Tax, Repeal of the, 228. Marriage Bill, Otiject ions to the New, 327. Marriages, Prohibited, 65$.

Ministry- The Principles of the Next, 35; Tory call for a Fair Trial, 153; %% hat Next ? 180 ; The House of Cum.

moos rem's the. 207 ; Mimsterial Sup. porters in the !louse. 277; Care to be Obsie-red in Forming the Next. 349; Necessary :securities ti ir a Liberal, 371 ; Policy and poi/wets of Lord 51elbounte. 397; Whig Legal Appointments, 398; Bonds id Union Between the Reformers and this 417; The Court and the, 6;9 ; a Change itt t he Royal Nlital.e97 ; Over. tures Irian the Tories to Fornt a Coati.

I ion, 1038; Scotch and Irish 5Ientlwrs ot the Cabinet -Complaiut of the Times 1153.

51i,representation in Roebuck's Pamphlet 921.

Musical Copyrights, 351 Napier (Lord) and the Chinese, 134. National Gallery Again. 7. Newspapers-A Di-course uts 10; Objec- tions to the Tax 011.706; Consequences of Rep ailing the Tax, 730; the Tax Combated ;or its Revoune- NIL Rule er's Deser .828; Mr. Bolster's Explana-

tion. 853; Itemarka on the stamp office Returns, 924; Governatent versus the L'ustanird, 1227.

O'c mitten -Tory Attacks on. 436; Hos- tility or tlw Duke of tt chin 'stun. 873; his Reception in Scotland. 920 ; Ra- phael and t he Times, 10 3 ; Defence of, 1109; " Ton 11. Luring ' Assailants of, II: ; " I lathe." ot hero be " Bulletin," 1180.

Orangeisin -Gleanings from the Evidence cm Orange Lodges, 73, 728; Report of

the I 'out out $67; Lodges in the Army

-Ex I mord ilk try Forgetfulness, 707 ; Dirided Allegiance of tlw Oraugemen, 730: the Duke Denies all Knowledge of Lodges in the Army, 754; Plot Against our Future Queen. 873; the Standard's Deletice or the Duke, 893; Exposares by Mr. Ilay•woral, 1010; lib. serrations on the charge Against Fair man. 1039; Action against 31r. Hay- wood: Report trout the Irish broad Lodge, 1132. Parliament -First Things to be Done by the New, 36; Auother Dissolution Threatened: Necessity of Preparation. 37; Plan of the Ensuing Session. 61; Hints fur the Oppusitiou, 83; Why was a New Parliament Summoned ? 130; Records of Voles its 131; Lord John as Leader of the Oppositiou 154; Tory Threats or a Dissolution : Call the Li- berals make Head Against the Tories? 153; State of Parties, 229; Waut of Confidence iu Members. 255; The Spec tutor accused of officially announcing a Dissolution, 236; Wealthy Liberals in the House of Commons, 991, 1020; Ought Ministers to Dissolve tlw Podia. meta ? 1133.

Parliament ilouses-E xpense of the Tem- porary Houses, 156; Sir Robert Smirke's Job. 302; Report of the Committee, 5,6; Inconvenience of the l'ontarrary llouse or Lords, 638; Plans for the New I louses-- Resteratiou of St. Stephen's, 731: Insufficiency of the Time allowed the Architects, 875.

Parliamentary Committees, 679; Seats, Silo of: Need or Further Reforms, 777;

Peel, Sir Robert-At Tamworth. 104; Challenge to 5I r. Hume-The Vapour- ers of the Treasury Bench, 300; euey as a Statemnau, 330; Premiership oh; 437 ; Speech at Merchant 'Pathos' Hall, 463; the Duke and, 753; the 'fury Ex .Premier at Tainworth. 874. Peers-ludeciaion of the, 730; Position' and Prosjwcta of, 776; Scraps of %Wis- dom from the, 801; Conduct of Lord Falmouth, 824;

Peet age Reform-Irresponsibility of the Peers -Au address to Ilia Majesty, 835;

Notices of Motions in the Commons, 852; sergeant Wilde's Speech at New- ark : Rejected Popular Measures, 945;

Policy of NI bliss ors, 969; Alarm or the

Leedi Mercury. 990; Lord John's Fears for the Monarchy, 1017; • Shall we

Over; urn the Peers ?"-Blacktesod,I041 ; the Slim:Itchy and the Peerage-Leeds .5krcary, 1057. 1108; Mr. O'Cuanell's Platt, 1172,1203, 1220.

People, on Which side are the, 1059. Poor law Bill. Working of the: Blunder of the TAWS, 156; Report of the Co111- missioners. 898.

PrrnigatIve. More of the Tory, 12; Limi- tation of the, 350.

Publicans. Cant among the, 947.

Reform Act - Aniendmeut or the. 373. 1130; Workiaig of tlw - Intimidation of Electors. 132. 300; Multiplication of V01141.777.1107: Intimidation by Land- lords, 1153.

Retinae Association. 487. 509. Registration- flints for s,ocieties, 535;

IhiSs 01:656; Results of the, 706; Carlton Club Doings. 801 ; Tory Tticks itud Activity. 875. Rev nard's Latest Subterfuge. or the Tory Turatal Whig. 105.

" Roi (le) I egitime IPA ngleterre:" Avis Ilisiorique I la Qom idienne. 133. Russell, Lord John --Calumnies Against. 463; Mats to. 537; " A Word in Sea- son." to, 633; Patronage of 'furies by, 637. Bussia, the Power of. 1110, 1156.

Saintly Politicians, 2112, Scotch Defaulters. 370.

Slavery in the United States, 969, 1020. South A ust ral ia. t he New Province of, 607. Speakership-Canvass for the, 84; Can- dilutes for the. 104; Reasons for Elect. lug NI r. Ahmerouthy, 130 ; The First Nlove, 154; the Late Speaker's Defence, 181.

Stailley. Lord- Leader of the Neutrals, 63; his Bigotry, 327; l'resent Position of. 632.

Steam II4Nits in the Thames. 0341.

Strand Theatre, Proceedings against, 132. Superhuma nit ies of Oflice. 351. Supplies, No, 86.

Tea Trade-Results of the Overthrow of the Monopoly, rzu ; Free Trade. 1156. Thimbleriegers, the Section of tlw. 207. Tories - Down w ith the, 9; Reechoed from Abroad. 37; " Practical Men" ver- sus the. 228: Practical Evils of Tory Sway, 236; Political Clubs, and Agita lion : Resit Its or Tory Predominance, 326; Tory Agitation-Addresses to Sir It. Peel, 372 ; Tory Prospects and l'ro cemPugs. 418; Regard rur the King, 461; Anti-Socislisui-Exclusive I teal- big Sts•gested by tlw Standard. 679 ; W- fill are the Traitors ? 801; and !astir. leo Waists, 826; Toryism versus Utility. 839; Torv Lamentations and Fore- bodings, 946; Prospects of the-Tad. Blackwood, and Fraser. 1131; Cense- (plumes of 'Cory Agitatiou : the Blow in !Morn. 1225,

Ulterior Sleastires, 10.

Walk through Loudon Streets, 352. Where are We? 129 Whigs. the True Policy of the, 181. Wolverlounpton, the Dragoons, at, 539.


Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 442. Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse, 806.

sEtwith I nterpaged Translatiou of the, 16. Agnes de Nlatisteldt,l207.

Annuals, Literature of the. 1023. 1089, 1181; Scottish Annual. 1928; Angler's Souvenir, 1239; Book of Christmas. 1232; Comic Annual, 1115. 1232; Ori- ental Annual. 9)7; Squib A nnual.1115. Archmology of Popular Phrases and Nur- sery Rhymes. 423. Art of tieing Ilappy. 974 Australkt. Western. 733 A ntobiography of an Irish Traveller, 735. Battle of the Annuals, 1099.

Belford Regis. 491. Belgic Revolution. 516.

Bosworth Field, 567.

British Wine-maker and Brewer, 259. Cabinet of Art auil Literary Souvenir, 1205.

Canvassing, 40. Captain Swot and Captain Pen, 353. Captive, the, 423. Career of Don Carlos.830.

Catechism of the Currency. 186. Christian Ethics. 15.

Chronicles of Waltham, 1091.

Cochranios Foreign Quarterly Review. 306. Colonization of South Australia, 539; Napier on. 537. Compendium of the Literary history or Italy. 355. Concise Ilistory of Architecture, 1006. Conquest of Florida. 929. • Cowsiderations on the Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings out of the Church, 185.

Conti the Discarded, 1023.

Cortes, 657.

Demusracy in America, 756. 1043. Dictiouary of Terms used in Medicine, 1043.

Discourse of Natural Theology, 516. 613. Discourse on the Study of the Law of Na. tare ;and Nations, 1047.

Dissertation on Church Polity, 441. Doctor, the, 637.

Durham's (Toni) Political Career and Character, 159.

Empress, the. 660. Encyclopwilia Britannica, 904, 1230. England, Ireland, and America, 424. English Boy at the Cape, 1063. English in India, 375.

Ernesto. 807.

Essay on the Rate or Wages, 1133. Excursions in Algiers and Tunis, 303. Exercises for the Improvement of the

Senses. 974.

Exile of Erin. 187.

Fables and Tales on Pompeii and Hercu- laneum, 1136. Familiar II istory ot Birds, 113Pir Ftobpa in KnOand.737.

Geology ia 1835, 424. Georgian eErit. 66.

Gilbert Gurney. 1169. (t he) a Tale. 400. G let:dogs in antral History. 878.

Green Book, 1138.

Harmony, A 'braid slierger'a, 91.

Harold de Buren. 780.

Heavens the. 424.

Miura-al 1.ts lure on Tithes, 567.

II istoty or England, Valpy's. 959 ; Lard- net's. 805; Europe duritig the French

Revolution. 113 ; Greece. Keialttley's, 160 ; Thirlwalds. 661; Ireland. 354; the. At:Sas:MIS. 661; British Colonies, 470, 90.i. t t6i ; Cotton Manufacture,

235; Partition or the Lennox. 712;

:Sixteenth and Seventramth Centuries, 281 ; t tiittat SlateS. 1157; Description of Fossil Fuel. 1063 ; Present Condition ot the limitary !states, 424. Iltirace, Duet 6101, ss it It Ant lion's Notes, 138.

Horse-shoe Robinson. 636. Ilospital Practice. I utroditct on to 1045, I km to Obserte: Geology, 589. II iiiiitiras. N ti It's, 303.

II yillattlia. 542. Italia. its Si ate and Prospects, 282. Italian Sketches. 830.

ILO, and Sitily. Evans's. 61. Jamaica its it Was, Is, ;net Shonlil Ile. 732.

Juin mil by Frances Arnie Butler, 514; of a Residence and 'Poor in A nwrica, 563 ; all Exeur-ion to the United States and aent.1 a. 374 ; a Visit to Constautinople. 588; or the Heart, 470, Kirby's Badge titer Treatise on Animals, 711.

Land and Sea Tales. 1183.

Land of Vision. 837.

Lay or the Lady Ellen. 1046. Legends or the Conquest of Spain, 1187, 1208.

Leon (St.). a Drama. 187.

I.etter to Lord Glettelg on the Working of the Nee,. System in the West Indies. 999.

Letters from Brussels, 998; ot Major Downing. 470: Conversations. and Re- collections ot S. T. Coleridge. 1205.

Lib. of A wait oder I leutlerson. 1137; Bo- naparte, 41; Coupe's 1138; Edmund Kean. 566; Lord Exmouth. 901; and Times of General Washington, 879, 1209; William the Third, 735. Literary Fables front the Spanish of Yriarte. 353.

Lives or t he Most Eminent Literary and &kilt lie 5Ien or Italy, 139, 1045.

Lorlore. 996.

IMMO!' It eview, 374. Loves of the Four Roses, 879.

Litiwoods. the. 924.

Slahmouil. 10C3.

Matragna, 1161.

Manual of Ancient Geography, 1039; Pa- thobk; y. 1045.

Manuscripts of Erdely. 90. Slardens and the Dar eutrys. 211. Nlargaret Ravettscroll, 1136. Slaver of Wind-Gap. 40. ftlei:hanies of Late. Making, 539.

51elanie. 377.

Memoirs or John Selden, 566; Sir Janus Mackintosh, 703; Sir Thomas Picton, 971 ; Mr. Matthias D'Amour, 1183; Miralreau. 238; Sir Matthew Hale, 401. Men and Manners in Britain, 470.

Metaphysic Rambles, 973. Miscellanies, Irving's, 233.

Mottikins, the. 632.

Munioneutal Architecture and Sculpture.


Mundi et Cordis, 780.

Musical History. llogartles, 1087. My Aunt Pontypool, 1088. My Lite. 542. Narrative of a Visit to the American Churches. 467; Voyage Round the World, 1113; the Campaigns of the Twenty-eighth Regiment. 83.

Notional Property. and Prospects of the

Administration, 136.

Natural History of Man. 925, Naturalist's Library, 233, 1209. Natural Son. 232.

New Facts Reganling Shakspeare, 589. New York Nlirror,903.

Norman Leslie. 1062. North American Tour, Shirrers, 184, Nouveau Testament, 974.

Old Bachelors, 1115.

One in a l'housautl, 1207.

Oriental Illustrations of Scriptures, 233. Oriental Memoirs, 89.

Outlaw, the. 1182.

Outre-Mer. or a Pilgrimage to the Old

World. 611.

Paella of Many Tales, 541. Pant ika. 134.

Pa racelsus. 780.

Parricide, the, 1203. Peneillings by the Way. 1134. Penny Cyclopredia, 380, 1230. Philanthropic Economy, 514. Pltiloaophy of I lealth.161. Philosophy of Ma uutaeturer.635. Picture (the) and the Prosperoits Mast, 163. Pierce Falcon the Outcast, 355.

Pilgritnage to the Iluly Land, 564. Pirate and the 'Phree Cutters, 1205.

Plata agenet.612. Plebeians ;mil Patricians, 1207.

POCIIIS and Lyrics, N icolfs. 1064. Poems by Miss Twamley, 306.

Poet ainougst the Painters, 1046. Poetical Works of Milton, 565, 1119.

Poetry of Life. 973.

Poet's Portfolio, 402.

Pope, Valpy 353. Pusthumpus Letters of the Rev. nab- shekels Gat herons,. 303.

Anatomy of the Ilead, Neck,

and 0114...u. 1045.

Practical Oh...mations ou Nerrous Dis-

eases. 1015.

Provincial ketches. 330.

Bandon" Recollection*, 1112.

Ratak' cc Shuts, 734.

Satioaale of Political it representation. 323.

Recollection of the Private 1.ite of La- fayette. 1137.

Recut lectioue. Beckford's, 610.

Records of a Recite Through France and Italy, 643 liecreet ions in Rhyme. 15. R0%1)1014416 of the Gaelic Familiarly De- scribed, 114, Renduiseenees of Niebuhr, 949.

R lethal or Chaucer, 15.

Rienzi, 1229.

and Records, Palgrave's 259.

limn:Luce of Ancient Egypt, 1099. Ras:Oita. 469.

Savied Poetry of the 17th Century, 813. Scantlioarian sketches. 53.1.

Scenes and Characteristics of Method an, 732.

Scenes and I eg, aids of the North of Scot- Ian 354.

Scenes and Storks by a Clergyman lit Dent. 281.

Scripture Teacher's Assistant, 974. Sea-Side Companion, 662. Seutinieut not Principle, 733. Shines lierestbrd, 305.

Sir At tiler Wilmot, 807.

Sketch' hook of the South. 356.

Sketches and Recullections, 470.

-- of Bermuda, 660.

Social Tales fur the Young. 974. Songs of England and Scotlaud, 423.

Soutane by E. Mown, 1016. South Australian Land Bank, 877.

Specimetts of the Table-Talk of S. T.

Coleridge. 590. Squaring the Circle, 783, 830.

Wanly, 643.

Steam Voyage Down the Rhine, 755. Story of Justin Martyr, 781. Sutnnwr Rumble in syria. 805. Supplement to M'Culloch's Commercial Dictionary. 1133. Tablea of the Revenue, Population. &c. of the United Kingdom. Part III.. 41.

Tales of the Wars of Montrose, 377; My

Neighboarliorel. 491 ; the Peerage and Peasantry. 659; It atnarl'llau, 7t0; that Might be True. 974. Theatre of the II Maus, 65.

Thebes and Egy pt, 253. Thu" Won Tatter, 711.

Transfusion, 444.

Treatise on Pulmonary Consumption, 831. Tresnonlyn (*lilt 855. Tweliemonth's Residence in the West Indies, 635.

Twenty Years in Retirement, 950. Two Friends, 210.

Two Jimmies Through Italy anti Switzer- land, 733.

Usury, Kelly "s„ 138. Verses, Serious and Comic. 925. Villiers; a Tale of the Last Century. 542. Visit to Alexandria. Damascus, and Jeru- salem. 943 ; Iceland, 280. Viaible Geography. 1162; Historr-Eng- land, 904.

Voyage Round the World. Holman's, 14, 330. 1158.

Wanderings in South Africa, 732. Wealth of Nations, new editiou of, by the Author of England & America, 661.904. 'West of E lighted Journal. 281. Wife (the) and Woman's Reward, 421. Works of William Cuwper, 1044. Yarrow Revisited, 493,

SHORT Norrees.

Alchymist.139, Alice Grant, 1162. Al- dine Poets, 260, 446. 1068. Anatomy. Physiology, and Diseases of the Teeth, 91. Arboretum Britannicurn, 43. Arcane of Science and Art, 260. Arithmetic for Young Children, 138. Arts of the Greeks and Romans. 853.

Bachelors' Holydays, with some Thoughts of a Theoretical Philanthropist, 1000, Banished Lord, 639. Bible Lives from the History of the Old Testament, 67. Bibliopeaia. or the Art of Bookbinding. 139, Ribliotheca Ileberiana.67. Bijou, the, 1233. Birmingham anti its Vici- nity. 91. Book for the Million. 307. Book of the Reformed Parliarneut. 17. Book of Trades, 139. Bouquet Litte- :mire, 212. Boys and the Birds. 592, Bucolic.: of Virgil. Interlinearly Trans- lated, 188, Caroline, 416. Caroline Mordaunt, 759. Catechism of the British Constitution. 260 ; Chemistry. 260; Natural Philo- sophy ; Political Economy. 430. Causes and Effects of the Rise and Fall in Value of Property. 211. Chainnan's and Speaker's Guide, 857. Chambers's information for the People. 331; Edu- cational Course, 1233. Characteristics of Women. 1203. Chess for Beginners, 1109. Child's Own History of France, 1209, Christian Physician, 1000. Christian Teacher, 17. Considera- tions on the Political State of the Countries between Persia and India • respecting the Trede with China, 808 Constitution of Man Cousidered in Re- lation to Eternal Objects, 379; to Ex- ternal Objects, 1067. Constitution of 011outety as Designed by God. 686. Court 4Jemietry Compaaion, 697. etc- into Hell. 320. 1)eser41ttive tfritlines or Modern Geography. 260. Dial!" of it Solitaile, 6-6. Divest of the Laws and Regula t ions of the Wesleyan Methodists, 379. Drama Vindicatea, 697.

,Efliats by au Invalid. 331. Elements of Greek I/rammer, 1209. E 'nig nut and Traveller's Guide to and through Ca•

nada, 443. ragland. an II is! tried Poem. 445. English Grammar, 445. Ernest Campbell, 619. Essay on the H pioess or a Lim to It 'mem 517 ; on the Nature of Diseases, 403. Ety find° gical Geography, 1000. Et ery English- man his Oen I :email Master. 1201.

Espial:tient:it G :alit. to Chemistry. 1162. Fitem suit Fictions, or Gleanings of a Tourist, 60. Facts. Laws. and Pheno- mena of Natural Philosophy. 212. Fa- culties of Blois, 133. Familiar Abridg meld of the NI anicipal Coriewation Act. 1102 Few Observations on the Mantel hi istury of the Sperm Whele,

1:60. Filisluiry Leetures, 19 Five Hundred Questions on Geography, 493. Foreign Quarterly Review , :1..6. I" 'r

tit tele, 532. Frauk and 1115 Faller, 1a4.7. Free and Sat.,. Govt.:mm.1ns 494.

Len:Rage its own 'reeHT, 212. Gems of lite.ratere, 491. Getter,' Bio-

graphical Dktionary. i7. erruati lor

Beginners, 67. Grammar of Entomo- logy. 91; of the ',roach Language. 17. Grammatical Sketch uf lit' Greek Lau. image, 759. Greece and the Levant, 758. Guide to Spanish and English Conversation. 67.

Ilt.iiir52b Si Ming, 1;47, 1067. II heloos.

202. II istorieal Eii-dorne ofthe Ohl and New l'estament. and Part or the Apo. ery pita, 307. Ii istory of A merker, 858 : or the Auelent l'alaihd Edifices of Westminster, 43; of Rome, 1203; Holy 1.4101.491,

Illustrations of St. Pent, 91. Italy acid Italian Literature, 491.

Juvenile Research, 517.

Kitchen Ganlen, its Arrangement and

Cultivatien. 1233. K night arid the Enchantress, 494, Labourer's Friend, 260, Lady's Gift, 592, last Days of the Last of the Tinve 403. Latin Grammar, 403. Lectures on the of Pro.

moiling a utl Preset.% ing Heal i la 212. Library Atlas of Ancient .11111 Modern Geography, 67. I.ife ut Cobbett, 808. Cowper. 236; Johnson, 236; Mungo Park. SIT. Little Lucy, 1169. Loud= Smirked. 639, Lorette, 1161.

Slanual of E inomotogy, 139; of Univer- sal History and Chronologr, 306. Mary Florence. ur Grave Sad Gay, 513. Means tif Ameliorating Icculic. 639. rit Mica! Properties of the Natural Order Ranuncitlacere, 543. Medical Quarterly Review. 403. alentoirs of Bonaparte. 1067, 1'23.3. Memorandums of Sly Mayoralty, by Lord Winchester. 1233. Minor Morals, 803. Modern An. tirmity. 543. Modern Novelist -Pellutro, 16; Tremaine, 332; Brambletye 'louse, 543; Disowued, 743.

Narrative of a Residence in South Africa, 495. National Church Viudicated. 494, Natural Evidence of a Future Life, 1187. Naturalist's Library, 1909. New Dictionary of the English Language,

iehardson's, 16. New t;reck-Eniglisht and English-Greek Lexicon, 592. New System. or Taxation No Longer a Bur- dett, 139.

Observations on Brougham's Natural

Theology, 754. Observations on British Guiana, 783, Oceanic Sketches, 1161, Ohl Maids. their Varieties. Characters, cimi Cotalitions, 332. Old sports of England. 1162. On the Office of the Riding Elder. 188. Origin of Universi- ties and Academical Degrees. 581.

Parents' Cabinet of Amusement mad In-

struction. 17. Paradise Lost, First Four Books of, 517. Parliamentary Guides, 237,759 ; llistory of Sussex. 236. Peerage for the People, 1162. Perils in the Woods,592. Philosophy of Morals, 636. Picture or London. 43; of Slavery in the United States, 639. Plain Ad- vice to Landlords and Tenants. 43, Poems by the late ilou. AV. R. SPeneer, with a Biographical Memoir. 379. Poems, Elliutt's, 402. Poetical Works of John Milton, 517. Political Writings

of Dr. Charming, 380. Popular Guide to Health. 212; Statistics, 415. Trea- tise on Diet and Regimen, 857; on the Law of Life Annuities. 517. Practical Treatise on Brewing. 445, 736. Prin- ciples on the Treatment of Gout, 403. Rambles in Northumberland and on the Scottish Border,517. Rainbow Sketches, 808. Remarks on Military Flogging, 17. Reports of the Portneuese Commis. slim, and of the Financial Ageut, 753. Resources and Statistics of Nations. 91, 168, 331. Rhymes for My Children, by a Mot her,380. Road-Book from London to Naples, 494. Rural Muse, 686, Sacred Classics, 139. 332. 513, 730. 1063.

Songs. 43. Saxon's Daughter, 67. Scenes and Charawters Illustrating Christian Truth, 1000. School ef lie- forni,637_ &relish Songs. 67. Scripture Geography, 592. Sees of England and Wales, Ireland aud the Colonies, 187. Selections from Cobbett's Political Works, 1067. Selwyn in Search of a Daughter, 188. Six Months in a Con- sent, 1000. Sketch of the Life of Thomas Singularity. 445. Social Evils and their Remote-Live :mil Let Live. or the Mao- chest er- WeAvers. 1- the Soldier 332. shakspeare. 5i2. sphinx 111CIAlt lila, 415. Sniritual Despotism. 306. State- ment ,r the PM% Wu!' for the Poor 639, Student's Library of Tracts, 639, 1233. s,14.,.,est kill, Ott National Erlucatiou,ao6. Sannuary of the Municipal Cerporation Refiarn Bill, 1000.

'fait's Magazioe, 307. Textuary and Ritualist,379. Thoeghts iu dig Christer anti the Crowd. 1209, TrValLiA• oil Causes and Cure of Stulteriiig. 1000, Walker's CO:kat Promemeing Dictionary It t• intslel led. 513. W hat is P Ineuolog y. 1162. Winter Leaves, 331. Woman as She I, and as She should lie. 687. Young Man's Book or Piety, 1209.


Adelphi, Celeslia. or the AVorld in the Moon. 127 ; Mandarin. 912 ; IT %sterions Fa !oily. 966 ; The Jewte,s, 1152. Christmas Theatrical.. 7, Culosseam, 6741, 893, 933.

Concert at 533.

Covent Garden.- Eiden°. 561; kin Oilhe PrICOA, 911; tilt' Olui ciii.. At, rees. 1013; Paul el ifihrtl. P112: The Other', taLee, 1124; King O'Neill, 1176; The Lionize Hones 1239.

Drury Lune -'1 he Hazard of the Die, 179: .Patrieiaii and Parvenu. 513; the :."'„este 439; the Opening, 912; Ohl tality. 991; Siegti Rechelle, 1011; The Jewess. 1101,

French Plays. 2115. 298. 395, 347, 536.589. St. James's Theatre, 1152, 1191.

Kitty's ( !Miss) Retiree:eat. 501, Keintee's Resppearanee. 526. al at hews. I too h of. 635.

OlVtnpilt--Nlit as Word. 103 ; Celia Beam lies, 395; Loan of a Lover, 347; Love in a Cottage; A Gentleman in Difficul- ties, 942 ; The Beau Ideal, 10;42; Ap- pearance of Young Mathews, 1176 ; Barbers at Court, 1225.

Queen's Theatre, openine of the, 82.

T heat rieals, 00,,439.512. 542, 634.755, 853. 918, 966. 9•21-1, 1010, 1042,1(133. 1032. 1105. 1129, 1152, 1170, 1224.

Theatrical Inierrupt ions, 33.


Ancient Concerts. 257 Christmas Ft'ite, 113.).

Concerti Da Camera, 1033. 1133, Cramer's Farewell. 440, 489; Dinner at Freemason's Tavern, 631.

English Opera-house-Reopening of the, 396. 490 ; Ceusin Joseph. 512: The Spirit of the Bell. 562; A Father's Crime, 651; Der Varopyr, 708: Cd- venanters. 777; Elise e Claudio, 876; The DiCe of Death, 8(19; Closing of the. 967; Itednetion of I he l'rices. 1051.

Italian Opera, Opening of the. 298. 347.

44,200: 74675.; Puritaui ed i Cavalier'.

Lindley, Mr. William, 440.

Madrigal Society. 60.935, Moselieles' Concert. 439, Musical Library. 163. 1140. Musical Novelty. 536, New Music, 294,356, 545, 593, 737. 1025,

11401. NIM 5tisical Publications. 1209, 1233.

Oratorio, the, 371.

Philharmonic Concerts. 152. 208, 257, 303, 348, 420,466. 51.2. 562.

Societe Armottiea, 257.

Society or British Musicians, 1056, 1133. Taylor's (Mr. E.) Lectures on the Early English Opera, 163, Vocal Concerts, 82, 128, 180, 279,348, 532, 231.

York Festival, 803. 876. 900, 947.


Amount of !lenses of Parliament, 356, Adelaide Gallery, 1068.

Book of Gems, 1047.

British Atlas, 356.

Brit ish Institution, 139,164 188. 518. 567; Bone's Enamels, 592, 663; the Copies at, 1187.

Byron Beauties, 140. 761, 975,, 1163,

Cabinet of Engravings. 332. Chromatography (Field's). or Treatise on Colours and Pigments. 44.

Coast Scenery, 760, 905, 973, 1139.

Colosseum - Opening of the Regent's Park, 404, Comic Almanack. 1048.

Cottage Musicians, 544.

Cruciaxiou, Martin's, 115.

David's Pictures. 518.

Diorama, New Views at the, 513.

Diorama of the Old. Parlitunent Houses, 937.

Drawing-Book, Harding's, 44. Edinburgh Journal of Natural History, 1139.

Egyptian Antiquities, 615. Engraved Laudscapes, 43. Exhibition oLthe Old Masters, 517.

Fair Forester. 640.

Fieschi and huis " Infernal Machine," 809.

First Affections, 544 Florist's Magazine, (E3 ForthcomMg Works. 951.

Gallery of British Engravings, 495:

Malmo British Artists, 1187: Paintings by: West, 905: Portraits. 140, 237. 356, 593. 760. 975, 1068, 1163. Gardener's Magazine, 332.

Glover's Views of Van Diemen 's Land, 760.

HR.'. Political Caricatures. 116, 179, 275, 356. 416, 466, 640, 784,906.

Ha don's Lectures. NO.

Ilisiory of British 1 tithes. 332.

Illustrations of the Animals, 925,104$, 1116. 113), 1163; the Bible, 332. 356, 610, 663: the Pirate, 1:48; Rogers's Pt were, 760.

Jack in Office, 372.

Landscape Illustrations of the Bible. 140,

lai2x3:71: 941:1.Gallery, 640; Claude and N. Poussin. 781.

Leyland's Statue of Kilmeuy, 404.

Lit heeraphy, Stump, 67; New l'rocess of, 1116.

little Red R Hood, 640. Alaryleboue Liternry Institution, 163. Mineral Magnetism, 1150.

Napeletor 1169.

New Prints, 232, 514. 996, 1019.

(Irrery, Fulton's. :314. Puitrasl Seelpt ere, 139.

Pawn :Unit of Jeritsalem, 332: or Thebps.

Hunting, 80); l'ere

Parliamentary Emmert eement of Art. 637. Pistorial Pet italicais, 237,61kt, 702, 905, 975, Pirii1e3r%111-613e; 1033.

Portra:ls. 92, ttu3 : Sir C. M. Salon. 339; 11:,11011cul Cideliesier, 332; S1 'Mature to' the King, 494; Lady Blessingtuu, " Raphael " (a) and a " Leonardo Vinci." 511.

Rippirmille's Pictures, 513.

Rnr AcadelnY, 416.470, 1068.

Scotland, 'four in. 1 tos. sem!. (Sir W.) in his Study, 339.,

Sketch. licoh..7.4.17, 1139. Sketches of the Alhambra, 6115: society or Brit dal Artists. 254, 233. 307. StaturCslit Westmiuster Abbey. 129.

St. Stephen's Chapel. 07.

Siitllnniiir5in2e. Research and Naviga-

io. 6

Scelpture, 139.

" Titian Venus," a, 404.

'Fred of Algernon Sidney, 495. 'Furrier's Gallery. a Visit to, 403.

Veniee, Proat's, 115. Wendel logs through North Wales, 975. Water Colours, Exhibition of the Satiety of Painters in. 424.

Water•Colour Saciety. New, 380. Was-Work, Mailione Tussaud's, 92, Wood Statutes. 44, ineogra phy, 67. Zoological Gardens, Six Views or the,.


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Agrieultural Distress, 1056. Barclay ( Mr.) of Sunderlaud, 254.

Bristol Registration, by Julia Barnett Kiuglou, 1056.

British Museum, by Omeea, 1177. Byron Beauties. by the Editor, 995. Cambridge Installation, 654.

Cheap Music, by Verax. 801. City Election, by Virtus, 34.

Clinical Usurpation, &c. by J. Lennox Livingstone, 396. Cupar Burgh Election, by an Observers. 1105.

Elective Franchise. by S. P., 1056. Electoral Registration, by Britannicus,. 1225. Electoral Registration Amendment, by William Durrant Cooper, 1105,1125; by Thomas Ellgworth. 1177. Exeter Hall Impostors, by David Leahy,, 655. Firth of November, by a Constant Reader, 1056.

Government of Indio, by A. B. 970, Interesting Publication. by Peregrines A user, 396. Law Courts and Judges at Malta, 1177. Leopold and his Queen at Ramsgate, by Humphrey Blinn, 943. London Bridge,by J. R.T.,1039 ; by S. P., 1036.

Mistake in Regard to Rathcormac, 705. Montgomery ,klartin's Statistics, 922. Multiplication of Votes, by Humphrey

Blunt, 800. National Gallery, by B. R. Hayden, 656; by Alpha, 682.

Natural Flistory of Birds, by R. Mudie.17. 0. P. Q., Letters from, Nu. XXXII'. The United States and its Claims on Fratiee, 60; XXX1V.' A Glance Backwards,. and a Look Onwards, 153; XXXV.,. France Without a Government. 227: XXXVI. The Fall or the Tories. 329; XXXVII.. Tice Tory Wail-and a Word of Caution. 399.

Parties in Parliament : an Error irill'acties,. by Movement. 254,

Peerage Reform, by Margracia Louden, 1224.

Pension Fund. Case of Professor Walker's Daughter, 829.

Political Unions, by I. R. T., sm.

Portrait Painting. by B. It. Ilaydon, 537. Post office and the Newspapers, 1129. Practicability of Secret Voting, by Philo- Ballot, 606.

Prohibited Marriages, by a Constant Reader, 682.

Random Recollections, by the Author, 1199.

Registration, hy James Coppock,i49.3. Royal Academy, by Alpha, 703; Oil the.

and on Academies iu General, 801. Slavery the United States, by H. Fair- bairn, 1016.

Tionworth Trumpeter, by Humphrey Blunt, 895.

True Theory of the British Constitution, by .1. IL T., 1056.

Willis's (Mr.) Errors, 1177.