3 JANUARY 1846, Page 14


The Neptune, Ferris, from London to Bombay, put into Mauritius, 4th Oct. with loss of bowsprit and foremast.

Amtiven—At Gravesend, 30th Dec. Mary, Grant, from Calcutta ; 31st, Emerald Isle, Curling, from China ; and Caroline, Hughes, from Calcutta ; 1st Jan. Gipsy, Turpin ; Avoca, Howey ; and Helvellyn, Tullidge, from Singapore ; Lady Clark, Lawrence, from Calcutta ; and Melville, Cornforth, from Madras. In the Downs, 29th Dec. Emily, Anderson, from Calcutta ; 30th, Competitor, —, from China ; John Dugdale, Kitliek, from Singapore ; and Meanwell, —, from Madras ; 1st Jan. Sumatra, Rowell, Irma Sumatra ; Elizabeth, Morris, from Calcutta ; East ;Anglian, Stevens, from Madras ; Berkshire, Smith, from Bombay ; and Thomas Blytb, Hay ; and Nautilus, Thomas, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 27th Dec. Meg of Mahlon. —, from Calcutta ; Indus, Taylor, from Bombay ; 29th, Auriga, Dalrimple ; and Hesperus, Kelly, from China ; 30th, Josephine, —, from ditto ; Palatine, Wilde, from Calcutta ; Mermaid, —, from Madras ; 31st, Panthea, Glen; and StIrlingshire, Rattrap, from Calcutta ; 1st Jan. Commerce, Bilton, from Bombay ; and Favourite, Racy, from Mauritius. In the Clyde, 31st Dec. Fleetwood, Richardson, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, 14th Nov. Thomas Crisp, Bearts, from China ; 21st, Athena, Ogg ; Trident, Corrie ; and Essex, Compton, from Calcutta. At the Cape, previous to 11th Nov. Tudor, Lay ; Lanchester, Conway ; Stratheden, Burton ; Brunette, Cousins ; and Maple, May, from London ; and Falcon, Maim, from Liverpool. At Bombay, 16th Nov. Token, Cheyne, from Lon- don ; 20th, Malabar, Pare, ltom ditto ; 21st, Andromache, Skelton, from Cork ; and k4th, Owen Glendower, Robertson, from London. At Madras, 16th, Edward Bilton, Majnram, from Newcastle. At Calcutta, previous to 21st Nov. Weimer Castle, Cluny- bell,; Diamond, Taylor ; Maidstone, Nash ; Monarch, Walker ; and Agincourt, Nisbett, from London ; Viscount Sandon, Lancaster; Charlotte, Carter; Oak, Cordiner; Blo- renge, Banks ; Earl of Lansdale, Bell; Duncan, Henrieson ; Troubadour, Graham ; Molly Bawn, Walsh ; and Argyle, Brockhank, from Liverpool ; Java, Pickering, from Newport ; and Belle, Morley, from Newcastle. SAuzn—From Gravesend, 27th Dee. Malacca, Shettler, for Madras ; and 31st, Wit- liam Money, Bickford, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 29th, Everthorpe, Reid ; Merlin, Currie ; Fairy Queen, Richardson ; and Peruvian, Boyd, for Calcutta; Sir J. Beresford, Threadgold, for Ceylon ; and Kirkman Finlay, Martin, for Bombay.

SATURDAY Mortnina. AnarvED—In the Dawns, 2d Jan. Rookery, Greig, from China ; and Stratford, —, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, ditto, Royal Sovereign, Freyer, from Bombay.