3 JANUARY 1846, Page 14



The English Funds advanced at the commencement of the week, but have since declined; and Consols close this afternoon at 94 for Account—a fall of more than 3 per cent from the highest recent prices. The business transacted has not been of a very important character: the sales have been chiefly speculative; but as the purchases for real investment during the holyday-week have, as usual, been very trifling, the speculative sales have produced a more than ordinary effect span the market. Money is in the same state as last week: the rate of discount is 8fr per cent, and there seems no probability of any immediate change. The books of the various Stocks, the Dividends upon which become due on the 5th, will be open for private transfer on the 6th instant ; the Dividends will be paid on the 8th or 9th. Money will therefore be more abundant next week : but as the payments of the deposits to the Accountant-General of the Court of Chancery on account of the new Railway Companies commence about the beginning of February, this plenty will not be of long duration. The public intelligence brought by the Cambria from the United States was of rather a favourable character, indicating the resumption of negotiation for the settlement of the Oregon question. The private letters, however, are of a very different complexion, and describe the alarm occasioned by the President's mes- sage as very general. Since the publication of that document, a general decline had occurred in every description of Stock, in some cases to the extent of more than 3 per cent. Money had become scarcer; the rate of discount was between 6 and 7 per cent. This was partly owing to the increased caution of the Banks, the managers of which were preparing for the withdrawal of the Government de- posits from their custody by the contemplated Sub-Treasury Act; and partly to the large speculations in corn and flour, (in the American vernacular, bread stuffs,") made with a view to the supply of our market. Private letters confirm the public statement that any alteration of the Corn-laws in this country, which would open to the corn-growing States of the Union the markets of England, would lead to the almost immediate resumption of the payment of the dividends open the debts of many of the Repudiating States. The arrival of the next

packet, which may be looked for about the 14th or 15th, will be expected with great anxiety.

The Foreign Bonds have been the objects of rather more business than usual. The payment of the dividends upon the Portuguese Dutch Two-and-a-half and Spanish Three per Cents, all of which fall due on the 1st instant, has caused a little stir in these particular Stocks, and given a rather better tone to the Foreign Bonds generally. No large transactions have occurred, however, in any of them, and nothing like speculative business of any kind. The Railway Shares have been in great favour; and all the old lines have risen very considerably. This advance occurred chiefly through the necessity in which the speculators for the fall were placed by the approach of the account-day to provide Shares for delivery; and as soon as that want was supplied, prices again declined. All the Shares of the leading lines have been at one time from 31. to 51. in advance of the high quotations of last week ; and though the principal of them have fallen back to, and in some instances gone below that point, the ad- vanced quotations have been in other instances supported. Brighton Shares have been the object of much speculation. A report has been promulgated that a junction is about to be effected between this line and the South-western; and the price of the Shares rose nearly Si., namely to 701. This high price brought in sellers; and many lots of Shares which had remained in deposit at high prices since the beginning of October, in consequence of the insolvency of the specula- tors who had borrowed money on them, were disposed of: a decline in price was the natural result, and the quotation today is about 21. below the highest. The business in French Shares has not been extensive. The advance in those of the Constituted Northern line has not been supported ; the price having been on the decline nearly all the week, and today about 30s. lower than our last quotations. The Constituted Paris and Strasburg, Tours and Nantes, and Paris and Lyons Shares, are nearly the same; and of course we cannot notice any change in the Shares of the Constituent Companies. A trifling revival has occurred in Belgian Shares, both in price and the amount of business.

Some of our own Scrip Shares are also in demand; and the general aspect of the market is more lively than it has been for some time.


The English are heavy, at the closing quotations of yesterday; but as yet no business of importance has occurred. The Foreign Funds are unchanged. The Share Market is heavy, with but little doing. The only bargains as yet noted being : Manchester and Birmingham, 77 t and Dutch-Rhenish, 7i. The French shares are rather firmer, Constituted Paris and Lyons having been quoted at 5i; but the business transacted has been unimportant.


The English Funds close at slightly advanced quotations, as compared with the morning: the market is however heavy. The Foreign Funds are firmer, but without any farther change.

3 per Cent Consols..... ... shut. Columbian ex Venezuela - • . 161 174 1 iDitto for Account

961 i

Daniah 3 per Cents 87 9 3 per CentReduced

94 I

Dutch 21 per Cents 60 1 31 per Cents 961 7 Ditto 4 per Cents

94 i

Long Annuities 10 7-16 9-16 Mexican 5 per Cents 311 2 Bank Stock 203 4 Ditto Deferred 17/ 18

Exchequer Bills Prem. 26.8

Portuguese New 5 p. Cts. 1841 58 60 India Stock shut Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 Prem. 58 60 Brazilian 5 per Cents 80 82 Russian 5 per Cents .ex dive 112 13

Belgian 41 per Cents

95 7 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 281 9 Chili= 6 per Cents 98 100 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 381 9

The business in the Share Market has been of a very general character, and some of the " registered" have advanced. Scrip, however, is heavy in almost all its varieties, and there does not appear to be the same eagerness for purchasing that existed a few days since. We have to notice the following bargains, in addi- tion to the few given in the morning. Share. Paid. Business done.


100 Bristol and Exeter 331 Bristol and Exeter, New 25 Cambridge and Lincoln, New 25 Cornwall 60 Direct Manchester (Remington's)

Direct Manchester (Ras:risk's)

Average Eastern Counties 25 Eastern Counties, New 30 Great North of England, New 50 Great Western, Half-shares Stock London and Birmingham Average London and Blackwell London and Blackwell, New 50 London and Brighton Average London and Croydon Average London and South-western 50 London and York 40 Manchester and Birmingham Stock Midland 40 Midland, New 50 North Kent and Dover Direct 50 Portsmouth Direct 25 Scottish Central 25 Scottish Midland Average South-eastern and Dover 70 2 11 5 21 5.1. 14 16 4 16 2 50 100 16.13.4 11 50 13.15.9 41.6.10 21 40 100 12 21 21 21 11 32.3.4 8.5 71


41 21 2 44 221 + 8 29 95 222

41 68 1 221 76 41 I 771 6 152 31) 29 31- ii 1 41

151 161 6k 39 50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. I 12 16 50 South-eastern and Dover, New, No. 2 7 11


20 Boulogne and Amiens

8 121 20 Bordeaux, Toulouse, and Cette (Espeletes) 2 2 20 Central of Spain 2 11 20 Dutch-Rhenish

5 718

20 Great Northern of France, Constituted 5 15 161 20 Luxembourg 4 3 20 Orleans and Vierzon 10 18 20 Orleans and Bordeaux 6 111 20 Paris and Lyons (Lelia:ea) 2

21 I 20 Paris and Lyons (Caton's)

2 21 20 Roan and Havre 18 31 20 Sambre and Meuse 6 6 4 — West Flanders 4 5